Our resort and housing complex is opening at La Jolla Cove, and we need an application that manages all rentals, like vehicles, lodgings, and electronics, made by people. For each person that rented an item or service, you can see their personal information, like their name and specifically what they rented under the given category.
- Anjolaoluwa Akinremi
- Kaitlyn Nguy
- Create a new Person (a “Renter”).
- Create new products to rent.
- View all products in inventory. (Maintain quantity of inventory)
- View all rented out items.
- View all items available to rent, i.e, not rented out.
- Delete a product from inventory.
- Delete a Person from the system.
- View an About screen telling about the application and its creator(s).
- LO1: Employ design principles of object-oriented programming.
- LO2: Construct programs utilizing single and multidimensional arrays.
- LO3: Construct programs utilizing objects and classes in object-oriented programming, including aggregation.
- LO4: Construct programs utilizing inheritance and polymorphism, including abstract classes and interfaces.
- LO5: Construct programs using generic collections and data structures. HashTables of renter names and items rented
- LO6: Construct programs utilizing graphical user interface utilizing event-driven programming.
- LO7: Construct programs utilizing exception handling.
- LO8: Construct programs utilizing text file I/O
- Have something exportable to a file and/or readable from a file
- Readable based on provided data of renter names and item rented?
- Have something exportable to a file and/or readable from a file