For full documentation, please see the Godoc page
mira is a Reddit Api Wrapper written in beautiful Go. Featured in issue 306 of Golang Weekly 🚀
It is super simple to use the bot as we also provide you with simple but fully extensive interfaces. Currently, mira is a project that is considered more or less complete. All main functionality, such as streaming, data manipulation, data request, submissions, links, etc. are fully implemented. mira can be extended to use any Reddit API endpoint. More details at the bottom of this page.
Two quick notes: all actions should be done via Reddit
struct, I thought it would make it
simpler to work with. Secondly, all actions require the objects full thing_id
, so you have
to use GetId()
to get that id. Every struct has that method implemented and it will return
a string in the form of t[1-6]_[a-z0-9]{5}
. Refer to the following table for the classifications
of the structs.
Type Prefixes
Prefix | Type |
t1 | Comment |
t2 | Redditor |
t3 | Submission, PostListing contents |
t4 | Message (NOT IMPLEMENTED) |
t5 | Subreddit |
t6 | Award (NOT IMPLEMENTED) |
The config file structure is very simple:
r, err := mira.Init(mira.ReadCredsFromFile("login.conf"))
Mira also works with environmental variables, here is an example from docker-compose
- BOT_CLIENT_ID=hunteoahtnhnt432
- BOT_CLIENT_SECRET=ehoantehont4ht34hnt332
- BOT_USER_AGENT='u/mytestbot developed by thecsw'
- BOT_USERNAME=mytestbot
- BOT_PASSWORD=verygoodpassword
And the login will look like this:
r, err := mira.Init(mira.ReadCredsFromEnv())
Or you can always just fill in the values directly.
Note: Error checking is omitted for brevity.
Streaming new submissions is very simple! mira supports streaming comment replies, mentions, new subreddit's/redditor's comments, and new subreddit's/redditor's submissions.
// r is an instance of *mira.Reddit
r, err := mira.Init(mira.ReadCredsFromFile("login.conf"))
// Start streaming my comment replies
c, err := r.StreamCommentReplies()
for {
msg := <-c
r.Comment(msg.GetId()).Reply("I got your message!")
// Start streaming my mentions
// Start streaming my comment replies
c, err := r.StreamMentions()
for {
msg := <-c
r.Comment(msg.GetId()).Reply("I got your mention of me!")
// Start streaming subreddits' submissions
c, err := r.Subreddit("tifu", "wholesomememes").StreamSubmissions()
for {
post := <-c
r.Submission(post.GetId()).Save("hello there")
// NOTE: Second value is the stop channel. Send a true value
// to the stop channel and the goroutine will return.
// Basically, `stop <- true`
// Start streaming subreddits' comments
c, err := r.Subreddit("all").StreamComments()
for {
msg := <-c
r.Comment(msg.GetId()).Reply("my reply!")
// Start streaming redditor's submissions
c, err := r.Redditor("thecsw").StreamSubmissions()
for {
post := <-c
r.Submission(post.GetId()).Save("hello there")
// Start streaming redditor' comments
c, err := r.Redditor("thecsw").StreamComments()
for {
msg := <-c
r.Comment(msg.GetId()).Reply("my reply!")
It is very easy to post a submission, comment on it, reply to a message, or edit a comment.
package main
import (
// Error checking is omitted for brevity
func main() {
r, err := mira.Init(mira.ReadCredsFromFile("login.conf"))
// Make a submission
post, err := r.Subreddit("mysubreddit").Submit("mytitle", "mytext")
// Comment on our new submission
comment, err := r.Submission(post.GetId()).Save("mycomment")
// Reply to our own comment
reply, err := r.Comment(comment.GetId()).Reply("myreply")
// Delete the reply
// Edit the first comment
newComment, err := r.Comment(comment.GetId()).Edit("myedit")
// Show the comment's body
We can also send a message to another user!
package main
import (
func main() {
r, err := mira.Init(mira.ReadCredsFromFile("login.conf"))
r.Redditor("myuser").Compose("mytitle", "mytext")
You can also traverse through a number of submissions using one of our methods.
package main
import (
func main() {
r, err := mira.Init(mira.ReadCredsFromFile("login.conf"))
sort := "top"
var limit int = 25
duration := "all"
subs, err := r.Subreddit("all").Submissions(sort, duration, limit)
for _, v := range subs {
fmt.Println("Submission Title: ", v.GetTitle())
You can extract info from any reddit ID using mira. The returned value is an instance of mira.MiraInterface.
package main
import (
func main() {
r, err := mira.Init(mira.ReadCredsFromFile("login.conf"))
me, err := r.Me().Info()
comment, err := r.Comment("t1_...").Info()
redditor, err := r.Redditor("t2_...").Info()
submission, err := r.Submission("t3_...").Info()
subreddit, err := r.Subreddit("t5_...").Info()
Here is the interface:
type MiraInterface interface {
GetId() string
GetParentId() string
GetTitle() string
GetBody() string
GetAuthor() string
GetName() string
GetKarma() float64
GetUps() float64
GetDowns() float64
GetSubreddit() string
GetCreated() float64
GetFlair() string
GetUrl() string
IsRoot() bool
Surely, Reddit API is always developing and I can't implement all endpoints. It will be a bit of a bloat. Instead, you have accessto *Reddit.MiraRequest method that will let you to do any custom reddit api calls!
Here is the signature:
func (c *Reddit) MiraRequest(method string, target string, payload map[string]string) ([]byte, error) {...}
It is pretty straight-forward. The return is a slice of bytes. Parse it yourself.
Here is an example of how Reddit.Reply() uses MiraRequest:
NOTE: checkType(...)
is a quick method to pop a value from the
queue and make sure it's a valid value and type. For example,
will add elements to its internal queue, so that the layout is:
redditor submission comment // type
|BACK| -> |USER1| -> |SUBM1| -> |COMM1| -> |FRONT| // value
So that when you run r.checkType("comment")
, it will dequeue COMM1
and return triplet "COMM1", "comment", nil
If you run r.checkType("redditor")
(will fail because subm is at the end),
you will get "", "", "errors.New("the passed type...")
Here is an example of how you check that the last element to dequeue is a type that you're expecting:
func (c *Reddit) Reply(text string) (models.CommentWrap, error) {
ret := &models.CommentWrap{}
// Second return is type, which is "comment"
name, _, err := c.checkType("comment")
if err != nil {
return *ret, err
target := RedditOauth + "/api/comment"
ans, err := c.MiraRequest("POST", target, map[string]string{
"text": text,
"thing_id": name,
"api_type": ApiTypeJson,
json.Unmarshal(ans, ret)
return *ret, err