Please consider installing the following dependencies to be able to run the project:
- Yarn - 1.22.19
- Node - v16.16.0
- NPM - 8.15.1
#💿 Clone the Repo and Install all dependencies:
Clone the repository with your Gitlab account:
git clone
Install project and its dependencies with Yarn.
$ cd ./Jean-Loic-Mugnier/
$ yarn install
✏ Create .env in the main folder and provide your appId and serverUrl from Moralis Example:
For setting up hardhat, create the following .env file under ./hardhat/.env
if you do not already have a RPC endpoint, we suggest the following service providers:
The Fraction Asset contract is type of contract that allows users to buy a fraction of the asset representated by the contract. When the fractions are bought, the funds are send to the contract owner. Such fractions cannot be resold.
for more technical details about the contract, check it here
To deploy a new contract, please use the command line and more specifically, the harhat deployParam task. From inside the hardhat folder, run the command:
$ npx hardhat --network mumbai deployParam [CONTRACT_NAME] [#_OF_FRACTIONS] [ASSET_PRICE]
- CONTRACT_NAME - Name of the smart contract to be deployed
- #_OF_SHARES - Number of fractions available for the smart contract.
- ASSETPRICE - price of the whole asset. _Share price will be calculated as it follows:
where #_shares > 1 and _assetPrice >0
The deployParam task updates the source of information for the web application. Therefore, when a new contract is deployed using the previous command, the application should deplay them in the UI.
the list of deployed contracts are located here
Inside the project repository, run the following command:
$ yarn start
Displays the list of different deployed smart contracts available fro acquisition
Displays the list of different deployed smart contracts and the fractions you own.