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Nicks Line Tools

A set of pure python tools for working with linestrings. This library is only useful if you can't use the popular shapely library for some reason (shapely uses the compiled GEOS library written in C++ and is therefore much faster)

This project has no dependencies outside the standard library, and therefore has no binaries to compile.


Note the implementation of the offset algorithm is not yet completed

from nicks_line_tools.Vector2 import Vector2
from nicks_line_tools.linestring_offset import linestring_offset

ls = [Vector2(1, 1), Vector2(5, 6), Vector2(12, 8)]

ls_offset = linestring_offset(ls, 5)


  • No support for arcs
  • No handling of malformed input geometry
  • Probably cryptic error messages when things go wrong


Implementation loosely inspired by Xu-Zheng Liu, Jun-Hai Yong, Guo-Qin Zheng, Jia-Guang Sun. An offset algorithm for polyline curves. Computers in Industry, Elsevier, 2007, 15p. inria-00518005 This was the first google result for 'line offset algorithm'

Having implemented the paper as close as I can, I am a bit annoyed with it. The algorithm is really described well up untill algorithim 4 step 1b. After that it is very hard to decypher. I did get it working, but I think I had to re-invent the last few bits of the algorithim, just going on the gist of what the paper describes. I did not implement algorithms 2 and 3, as they deal with curved (arc) segments.

Definitions (For the psudocode in this readme only)

Type definitions

from typing import List, Tuple
from nicks_line_tools.Vector2 import Vector2

# define type aliases for convenience:
LineString = List[Vector2]
MultiLineString = List[LineString]
LineSegment = Tuple[Vector2, Vector2]
LineSegmentList = List[Tuple[Vector2, Vector2]]
Parameter = float

# declare type of variables used:
input_linestring: LineString
offset_ls: LineString
offset_segments: LineSegmentList
raw_offset_ls: LineString

Function Type Definitions (pseudocode)

intersect = (tool: LineString, target: LineString) -> (point_of_intersection: Optional[Vector2], distance_along_target: List[Parameter])
project = (tool: Vector2, target: LineString) -> (nearest_point_on_target_to_tool: Vector2, distance_along_target: Parameter)
interpolate = (distance_along_target: Parameter, target: LineString) -> (point_on_target: Vector2)


Given a LineString, call it the input_linestring; the goal is to find the offset_ls which is parallel to input_linestring and offset by the distance d

Algorithm 0.0 - Pre-Treatment

  1. Pretreatment steps are not implemented... these mostly deal with arcs and malformed input geometry
  2. No check is performed to prevent execution when d==0

Algorithm 0.1 - Segment Offset

  1. Create an empty LineSegmentList called offset_segments
  2. For each LineSegment of input_linestring
    1. Take each segment (a,b) of input_linestring and compute the vector from the start to the end of the segment
      ab = b - a
    2. rotate this vector by -90 degrees to obtain the 'left normal'
      ab_left = Vector2(-ab.y, ab.x)
    3. normalise ab_left by dividing each component by the magnitude of ab_left.
    4. multiply the vector by the scalar d to obtain the segment_offset_vector
    5. add the segment_offset_vector to a and b to get offset_a and offset_b
    6. append (offset_a, offset_b) to offset_segments

Algorithm 1 - Line Extension

  1. Create an empty LineString called raw_offset_ls
  2. Append offset_segments[0][0] to raw_offset_ls
  3. For each pair of consecutive segments (a,b),(c,d) in offset_segments
    1. If (a,b) is co-linear with (c,d) then append b to raw_offset_ls, and go to the next pair of segments.
    2. Otherwise, find the intersection point p of the infinite lines that are collinear with (a,b) and (c,d);
      Pay attention to the location of p relative to each of the segments:
      1. if p is within the segment it is a True Intersection Point or TIP
      2. If p is outside the segment it is called a False Intersection Point of FIP.
        FIPs are further classified as follows:
        • Positive FIP or PFIP if p is after the end of a segment, or
        • Negative FIP or NFIP if p is before the start of a segment.
    3. If p is a TIP for both (a,b) and (c,d) append p to raw_offset_ls
    4. If p is a FIP for both (a,b) and (c,d)
      1. If p is a PFIP for (a,b) then append pto raw_offset_ls
      2. Otherwise, append b then c to raw_offset_ls
    5. Otherwise, append b then c to raw_offset_ls
  4. Remove zero length segments in raw_offset_ls

Note: mitre limits are not mentioned in the original paper and have not been implemented in this package (yet). Extending line segments that are close to parallel will generate an intersection point far from the origin which would cause problems with floating-point precision.

TODO: It should be possible to maintain a partial mapping between the segments of input_ls and

Algorithm 4.1 - Dual Clipping:

  1. Find raw_offset_ls_twin by repeating Algorithms 0.1 and 1 but offset the input_linestring in the opposite direction (-d)

  2. Find intersection_points between

    1. raw_offset_ls and raw_offset_ls
    2. raw_offset_ls and raw_offset_ls_twin
  3. Find split_offset_mls by splitting raw_offset_ls at each point in intersection_points

  4. If intersection_points was empty, then add raw_offset_ls to split_offset_mls and skip to Algorithm 4.2.

  5. Delete each LineString in split_offset_mls if it intersects the input_linestring
    unless the intersection is with the first or last LineSegment of input_linestring

    1. If we find such an intersection point that is on the first or last LineSegment of input_linestring
      then add the intersection point to a list called cut_targets

Algorithm 4.1.2 - Cookie Cutter:

  1. For each point p in cut_targets
  2. construct a circle of diameter d with its center at p
  3. delete all parts of any linestring in split_offset_mls which falls within this circle
  4. Empty the cut_targets list

Algorithm 4.1.3 - Proximity Clipping

  1. For each linestring item_ls in split_offset_mls
  2. For each segment (a,b) in item_ls
    1. For each segment (u,v) of input_linestring
      • Find a_proj and b_proj by projecting a and b onto segment (u,v)
      • Adjust the projected points such that a_proj and b_proj lie at or between u and v
      • Find a_dist by computing magnitude(a_proj - a)
      • Find b_dist by computing magnitude(b_proj - b)
      • if either a_dist or b_dist is less than the absolute value of d then
        • if a_dist > b_distadd a_proj to cut_targets
        • Otherwise, add b_proj to cut_targets
  3. Repeat Algorithm 4.1.2
  4. Remove zero length segments and empty linestrings etc (TODO: not yet implemented)
  5. Join remaining linestrings that are touching to form new linestring(s) (TODO: not yet implemented)


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