Vue Fretboard is a customizable component for making fretboards for guitars, ukuleles, basses, etc.
See kitchen-sink.html for all options available.
<script type="module">
import {fretboard} from '/v-fretboard.js';
// override defaults for all instances
fretboard.props.frets.default = 4;
fretboard.props.reference.default = '3 5 7 9 12';
fretboard.props.tuning.default = 'E A D G B E';
fretboard.props.strings.default = 6;
fretboard.props.orientation.default = 'vertical';
let app = Vue.createApp({});
app.component('v-fretboard', fretboard);
<section id="app">
<v-fretboard scale="C E G" title="C Major"></v-fretboard>
<v-fretboard scale="A C E" title="A Minor"></v-fretboard>
: individual notes separated by a space or a preprogrammed scale such asC# Major
orA Aeolian
(default:C D E F G A B
: individual notes separated by a space (default:G C E A
: eitherhorizontal
: eitherright
: number of frets to display (default:5
: which fret to start on or 0 for open (default:0
: width of the nut (default:10
: width of each fret (default:2
: amount of space between each fret (default:30
: color of the frets (default:#777777
: number of strings (default:4
: width of each string. enter one or more space separated values (default:1
: amount of space between each string (default:25
: color of the strings (default:#777777
: radius of each note circle (default:12
: fill color of each note that is not a root note (default:#555555
: fill color of each root note (default:#880000
: text color on each note that is not a root note (default:#EEEEEE
: text color on each root notes (default:#EEEEEE
: zero or more space separated reference dots to show on the neck. enter a number twice to get two dots (default:5 7 10 12 12 15
: size of each reference dot (default:5
: fill color of reference dots (default:#777777