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Deploy your first smart contract in Ethereum network

Bitcoin raised the blockchain technology, where Ethereum took it to the next level. Often said, Blockchin 2.0, Ethereum proved the possibility of blockchain technology beyond financial sector. This public blockchain network is famous for allowing the implementation of smart contracts. Smart Contract acts as a locker where it can be unlocked by certain conditions. Solidity programming language can be used to develop these Smart Contract.

By the end of this article,

  • You will have a deployed smart contract in Ethereum network (Rinkeby Testnet)
  • You will interact with your smart contract using a react and node app.

Prerequisite Technologies In Your Machine

Metamask Plugin Installation

Metamask is a pretty neat browser plugin. It allows an end user to interact with a dAPP on ethethreum network. With metamask, end user do not have to run a ethereum node. Metamask also handle users Ethereum Wallet.

  • Install Chrome Browser in your machine
  • Go to Chrome Web Store and search for Metamask
  • Open Metamask offered by
  • Click Add to Chrome and confirm by Add Extension
  • Now Metamask should be available in your Chrome Extension list

Create Wallet

Using wallet, end users are allowed to send and receive ethers from dApps.

  • Open Metamask and click Get Started
  • If you already have a wallet then go to Import Wallet
  • To create a new wallet go for Create Wallet
  • Agree with Privacy Policy, put password and create the wallet
  • Reveal and save the Backup Phrase in a secure place
  • Now go to Next Section, select the words according to the phrase
  • Now your wallet is All Set Up, You should get your Account Address

Connect to Rinkeby network and get fake Ether

Tesnet like Rinkeby, does not deal with actual money. To deploy and make transaction in ethereum testnet we will require the fake ether.

  • Open the Metamask plugin
  • On top-right switch to Rinkeby Network from Main Network
  • Go to free ether supplier site. We will follow their twitter instruction.
  • Go to Twitter and create a tweet of our Ethereum Account Address
    • If your Ethereum Account Address is 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000, the just tweet the address
    • You can include anything with the address
    • It is valid, till the tweet contains the address.
  • Open the published tweet in a new page and copy the page link.
  • Put the tweet link in the free ether supplier site and from the Give me ether, select a suitable package
  • Now in your Metamask, fake ether should appear
  • Sometimes it takes a little more time to transaction, so wait and also make sure you Metamask is connected to the Rinkeby network.

Run and Simulate Contract through Remix Ide

Remix is a online ide to create solidity smart contract. It also has feature to compile, run, deploy and simulate smart contracts.

  • Open Remix IDE.
  • Select environment Solidity
  • Go to File Explorer Tab and create a file Lottery.sol
  • Get the Contract Code
  • Go to Solidity Compiler Tab and Select
    • Compiler Version to 0.4.17
    • Language as Solidity
    • EVM as Compiler Default
  • Now click Compile Lottery.sol
  • You can enable auto-compile by check the checkbox Auto Compile
  • Go to Deploy And Run Transaction Tab and Deploy the contract in local EVM
  • Your contract functionality will be available in Deploy And Run Tracsaction tab, under the Deployed Contract section

Deploy the contract to Rinkeby Network through Remix Ide

Testnets provide developers a place to kick the smart contract and test before the real assets being involved. These Testnets behave very much like the main-net and does not require actual money(ether). Here we are going to try Rinkeby Testnet.

  • Make sure you run the Lottery contract using previous section instructions
  • Open Metamask, put the password and make sure, you are connected to the Rinkeby network.
  • Go to Deployed And Run Transaction tab and select
    • Environment is Injected Web3
    • As account, your Metamask wallet address should be selected
  • Make sure you have enough ether in your wallet to deploy the contract
  • Now click Deploy. This will deploy your contract to the Rinkeby network.
  • In the Remix IDE, check Log Section and grab the Transaction Hash and store it.
  • Go to Ether Scan and search for the Transaction Hash. You will get the Deployed Contract Address. Also this Contract Address will be required further.

Verify and Publish Your Contract(Optional)

Everything on Ethereum Network is public, including smart contract byte-code. Byte-code is low level stuff and very difficult to understand. You can publish your solidity source code by verify and publish in ether-scan. If you want more people to interact with your smart contract, you should verify and publish your smart-contract.

  • From Ether Scan, search the Transaction Hash or Contract Address and go to Contract Details page
  • From Contract Details, go to Contract tab
  • Click Verify and Publish, and set
    • Compiler Type as Solidity(Single File)
    • Compiler Version as 0.4.17
    • License Type as Whatever Your's Requirement
  • Click Continue and put Contract Code from Remix IDE or Gist
  • Click Verify and Publish and you should get the Contract Byte Code and Contract ABI
  • Store the Contract Byte Code and Contract ABI for future use

Clone Repo

This is a react app to interact with our lottery contract.

git clone
> To use your own contract, update the `/client/src/contracts/Lottery.json` as your `Contract Address` and `Contract ABI`

Run Application

To run your app locally, you do not need a server.


> Go to `\client` and install dependencies `npm i`
> Run the front end `npm start`
> Your app is available in `http://localhost:3000`
> Make sure `metamask` is installed
> Make sure you are connected to `Rinkeby` network and have enough ether

You are all set to go.

Test Application

It is important to test your smart-contract before deployment.

> To install dependency, Go to root directory and run `npm i`
> Invoke unit-test by `npm run test`

Meta text

In this article we will simulate a solidity smart contract in remix IDE. Then we will cover test, deployment and interaction for the smart contract. For interaction we will use the node server and react library. Also make sure the we remove read dependency from metamask wallet.


Blockchain Based Lottery System






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