Move the cursor - Victory gesture (Hand position = Palm facing the camera and n up position).
Single mouseClick - Reduce the distance (Join the fingers) of V in victory gesture.
Right mouseClick - Victory gesture with the thumb facing up.
Double mouseClick - Victory gesture with the little finger facing up.
Drag and drop - Victory gesture to move cursor to object then showing victory gesture show the other hand also, object can be now dragged even if other hand visual is removed. Now to drop the object perform a Single mouseClick.
Scroll Up - Show back side of your one hand
Scroll Down - Show palm side of your one hand
- ArrowKey Left - Open left hand and close right
- ArrowKey Right - Open right hand and close left
- ArrowKey Up - Show thumb of both hands
- ArrowKey Down - Show index finger of both hands
- Action(e Key) - Show right hand's index and middle
- Spacebar - Show right hand's index and middle
- Alt + F4 - 4 Fingers up
- Win + D - Index finger up
- Key Tab - Thumb up
- Key Spacebar - Index finger up
- Key Enter - 4 Fingers up
- Key Esc - 4 Fingers up
- Screensoht shortcut - Starting 3 fingers up
- Key Windows - Starting 2 fingers up
- ArrowKey Left - Open left hand and close right
- ArrowKey Right - Open right hand and close left
- ArrowKey Up - Show thumb of both hands
- ArrowKey Down - Show index finger of both hands