"What I cannot create, I do not understand" — Richard Feynman
👋 Hey there! I'm Thiago, a self-taught programmer who likes to build things from scratch in order to understand how they work. Some topics of interest to me are network protocols, hardware emulation, compilers, game engines, graphics, decentralized technology, just to name a few.
🌡️ 57 commits in the last 16 weeks.
- thiagozs/go-xutils A utils for development
- thiagozs/docker-composes Docker composes
- thiagozs/go-recipes 🦩 Tools for Go projects
- thiagozs/go-criptus Symmetric encryption (AES/DES/3DES) and asymmetric encryption (RSA)
- thiagozs/go-echowr A simple wrapper for echo framework server
- thiagozs/go-cache Simple cache system
- thiagozs/go-pixgen Golang Pix implementatioin - copy and paste, qrcode gen
- thiagozs/go-pds PDS - Parser and Builder
- thiagozs/go-iso8583 ISO8583 parser and builder
- thiagozs/rinha-de-backend-2024-q1 Repositório da 2ª edição da Rinha de Backend