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Beat Nodes

this-is-bennyk edited this page Jul 16, 2022 · 7 revisions

Beat nodes are any node that inherit from or its derived classes.
They automatically respond to the Conductor by performing an animation on a given interval of quarter notes when a song is playing.
They also automatically scale their animation speed when the speed of the song is increased in Freeplay.

It has the following properties:

  • anim_player_path: NodePath to the animation player to use for the idle animation. Assumes the animation player is a child of the node by default.
  • idle_anim_name: Name of the animation to play every interval. By default, assumes an animation called Idle.
    Note: inheriting classes may ignore this property if they plan to use more than 1 animation for the idle.
  • idle_frequency: The interval of quarter notes to play the animation on.
    Ex. 1 is every beat, 2 is every 2 beats, etc. A value of 0 means to stop animating to the beat of the music. Cannot be less than 0.
  • idle_offset: The offset in quarter notes to shift the interval. No offset by default.
    Ex. A frequency of 2 and an offset of 1 means the beat node animates on every odd beat.

Types of Beat Nodes

  • Double Idle Beat Node: a beat node inheriting from Has 2 idle animations it switches between every interval.
    • first_idle: The first idle animation, typically one where the animated thing appears as if it's moving from the left.
    • second_idle: The second idle animation, typically one where the animated thing appears as if it's moving from the right.
    • starts_on_left: Whether or not to start with the first or second animation (slight misnomer).
  • BPM Scaled Beat Node: a beat node that scales depending on how fast the song currently is.


Characters are any object inheriting from or its derived classes. Any character can be a potential performer.
For 2D characters, they can be flipped by setting the x-value in their scale property to -1 (or at least negative).

It has the following properties:

  • direction_anims: The names of the animations that are played depending on the direction of the note.
  • anim_pairs_if_flipped: The names of animations that are reversed when the character is facing the opposite direction. Useful for characters that can be both players and opponents.
    Note: if you see this not working when you playtest, close the scene with the flipped character, reopen it, and check to see if the character has automatically been rotated to -180 with its y-value of the scale property set to -1 instead of the x. Idk why Godot does this automatically, but if you set it back to a rotation of 0 with a scale of (-1, 1), it will work and stay working permanently.
  • camera_follow_point_path: The Position node that the camera lerps to when following a character.
  • icon: A HealthIcon scene for the level to use. MUST be a node that inherits from (or at least be compatible with your HUD).
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