An implementation of the dojo/store API for ArcGIS Server REST services.
- Add, delete, update and query feature services.
- Easily integrates with store-backed components, such as dgrid and FilteringSelect.
Download, clone, or fork from GitHub, or install using a package manager.
bower install --save arcgis-server-store
npm install --save arcgis-server-store
Configure the Dojo loader for use with the ArcGISServerStore.
var dojoConfig = {
packages: [{
name: 'ArcGISServerStore',
location: 'path/to/store',
main: 'ArcGISServerStore'
See the Configuring Dojo with dojoConfig tutorial for more details on configuring the AMD loader.
Create a store using an ArcGIS REST service. See the properties section for more details on the available options.
], function(
) {
var url = 'http://example.com/path/to/service/FeatureServer/0';
var store = new ArcGISServerStore({
url: url,
idProperty: 'OBJECTID',
flatten: true,
outFields: ['NAME', 'CATEGORY'],
returnGeometry: false
Use a Cache Store as needed to improve performance:
var memStore = new Memory();
var cachedStore = new Cache(store, memStore);
Use it in a dijit:
var filteringSelect = new FilteringSelect({
store: store,
searchAttr: 'NAME'
or to manage data:
// Add an object
store.add({NAME: 'New', CATEGORY: 'Sample Data'});
// Retrieve an object
// Update an object
store.put({OBJECTID: 1, NAME: 'Edited'});
// Query for objects
store.query({NAME: 'Edited'});
var q = new Query();
q.where = 'OBJECTID < 4';
// Remove an object
// Batch updates
var trans = store.transaction();
store.add({NAME: 'New', CATEGORY: 'Sample Transaction'});
store.put({OBJECTID: 2, NAME: 'Edited', CATEGORY: 'Transaction'});
Refer to the ArcGISServerStore documentation for more information.
Find a bug or want to suggest an improvement? Please submit an issue.
Your contributions are welcome!
Although there is no formal styleguide, please be careful to match the existing style. Please include unit tests with any changed or new functionality, and use grunt to lint your code.
To contribute:
- Fork the repository on GitHub
- Commit changes to a branch in your fork
- Merge the latest from "upstream"
- Pull request "upstream" with your changes
Testing is done in the browser with Intern.
- Run
npm install
to install local dependencies. - Run
grunt setup
to download the ArcGIS API for JavaScript libraries.
Note: Commands listed in this section are all written assuming they are run inside the repositories root directory.
- Open a browser to http://hostname/path_to_repository/tests/runIntern.html
- View the console
This project is available under the MIT License.