Welcome to Illuminate's GitHub Organization, the home of LumiOS - an AI-driven personal assistant designed to revolutionize the integration of AI into our daily lives. This system is built upon a variety of robust and advanced technologies, including Flutter for frontend, NestJS for backend, and Firebase for user authentication and management.
Our main website can be accessed through: https://tidb-personal-ai.web.app/
Our GitHub organization contains three primary repositories that collectively constitute the LumiOS project:
flutter-frontend - This repository contains the code for the LumiOS cross-platform frontend, which is built using Flutter. It's responsible for the user interface, ensuring a smooth and interactive experience for all users.
nest-backend - This repository is home to the LumiOS backend, powered by NestJS. It includes all the server-side logic, handling requests and ensuring seamless integration with frontend operations.
firebase-auth - In this repository, you'll find the configurations and functions necessary for Firebase-based user authentication and management. It contributes to user security and maintains user data privacy.