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Ensemble PhoBERT with FastText Embedding to improve performance on Vietnamese Sentiment Analysis tasks.

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Ensemble PhoBERT & FastText in Vietnamese Sentiment Analysis task


  • Optimize code directory structure


  • fix ensemble procedure
  • Containerize with Docker


I used UIT-VSFC (Vietnamese Students’ Feedback Corpus) dataset in this project. This dataset collected students feedback about the school after every semester from 2013 to 2016. It contains over 16,000 sentences with 2 tasks: sentiments and topics. In this project I just experimented with sentiment task only.

In sentimenst task, there are 3 labels: 0: Positive, 1:Neural and 2:Negative. The distriution of this task is highly imbalanced, most of the label in Positive and Negative which tremendously affect the performance.


  • Finetune PhoBERT on downstream task.
  • Build a FastText embedding on train+val corpus, vector_dim=300.

I experimented on these models:

  • PhoBERT(base/large) + FeedForward.
  • PhoBERT(base/large) + LSTM.
  • FastText + LSTM.
  • FastText + SVM.


  • Use CrossEntropyLoss as loss function.
  • Final Dense Layer used LogSoftmax as acivation function. Experiment shows that it not only helps training process more stable but also improves performance.
  • Finetuning PhoBERT(large) on Google Colab always faced with OOM, I used Gradient Accumulation to fix this issue.
  • Finetune PhoBERT with Adam optimizer, learning_rate=1e-4, apply OneCycleLR learning rate scheduler with max_lr=learning_rate.
  • FastText_LSTM also use Adam optimizer, learning_rate=1e-3, apply OneCycleLR learning rate scheduler with max_lr=learning_rate.
  • First experiment show on Confusion Matrix that majority of models's performance not good in predicting 1:Neural because of Imbalanced dataset.
  • Ensemble model on first experiment does not significantly improve the model's performance.
  • Then experiment with class_weight in order to due with class imbalanced improved Precision and F1-score on all models.
  • Ensemble model with second experiment improve all models's performance.

Ensemble_pred= ratio * pred1 + (1-ratio) * pred2

  • ratio in range[0, 1]

  • pred1 is the model with superior performance, pred2 vice versa. Ensemble_pred compares result with pred1's model.

Directory Structure

Expect directory structure be like:

├── /config
├── /data
│   ├── README.txt
│   ├── dev
│   │   ├── sentiments.txt
│   │   ├── sents.txt
│   │   └── topics.txt
│   ├── test
│   │   ├── sentiments.txt
│   │   ├── sents.txt
│   │   └── topics.txt
│   └── train
│       ├── sentiments.txt
│       ├── sents.txt
│       └── topics.txt
├── /src
├── requirements.txt

data is the UIT-VSFC downloaded

Run code

Run the following command for execution information:

python --help
  1. Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Train FastText Embedding
  1. Train BERT-base models & FastText-LSTM
  • Check hyperpamter at config folder, modify it as your need
  1. Test BERT-base models & FastText-LSTM


Evaluation on Test Set

Model Precision Recall F1-score
(1) PhoBERT (base) + FeedForward 0.92502 0.92988 0.92348
(2) PhoBERT (large) + FeedForward 0.91447 0.90935 0.88475
(3) PhoBERT (base) + LSTM 0.92399 0.92893 0.92259
(4) PhoBERT (large) + LSTM 0.91062 0.90556 0.88104
(5) FastText + LSTM 0.84022 0.86323 0.84127
(6) FastText + SVM 0.84825 0.86639 0.85023

Emsemble evaluation on Test Set

Model Ratio Precision Recall F1-score
(2) + (6) 0.5 0.89417 0.91124 0.88877
(2) + (4) 0.7 0.91587 0.91093 0.88627
(2) + (5) 0.8 0.91521 0.91030 0.88565
(4) + (6) 0.2 0.89082 0.90556 0.88562
(4) + (5) 0.7 0.91145 0.90651 0.88195
(5) + (6) 0.4 0.85532 0.87208 0.85340

Evaluation on Test set with class weights

Model Precision Recall F1-score
(1) PhoBERT (base) + FeedForward 0.92867 0.92672 0.92751
(2) PhoBERT (large) + FeedForward 0.90756 0.9024 0.87796
(3) PhoBERT (base) + LSTM 0.92489 0.92356 0.92407
(4) PhoBERT (large) + LSTM 0.90965 0.90461 0.8801
(5) FastText + LSTM 0.85727 0.81207 0.83015
(6) FastText + SVM 0.85376 0.86229 0.85561

Ensemble Evaluation on Test set with class weights

Model Ratio Precision Recall F1-score
(1) + (4) 0.8 0.92845 0.92956 0.92889
(1) + (2) 0.9 0.92899 0.92798 0.92837
(1) + (6) 0.5 0.92932 0.92830 0.92830
(1) + (5) 0.9 0.92943 0.92672 0.92783
(3) + (4) 0.8 0.92507 0.92704 0.92584
(3) + (6) 0.8 0.92545 0.92451 0.92484
(3) + (5) 0.6 0.92654 0.92356 0.92474