Tree.h goes over most function with brief explanations
This is a implementation of a BST with AVl Balancing Each node in a tree stores a key and a value and is sorted based on a keys (based on a inputed key comparison function) (both stored as a void pointer for the sake of plymorphism in c) In order for the tree knows how to compare keys, a function to compare two keys is inputted when a TREE is made additionally functions to free keys and free value's are also inputted unpon TREE initialization a key comparison function should be int keyComparison(void *x, void *y) which returns a negative number if x < y, 0 if x = y, a postive number if x > y
Each "node" in the tree also stores Size and Height: Storing size allowes for things such as Tree_nth and TREE_Position to be O(log n) Storing Height allowes for AVL Balancing, which allowed the Height of the Tree to grow at O(log n), keeping Add and Delete at O( height ) time complexity
Implementation of AVL Balancing instructions largly came from:
Will look to add map, reduce, merge, filter in the future