Tims Beacon-Service keeps track of all your computers (uptime, cpu-temperature, IPs, last time seen, uptime of system, etc.).
It is especially helpful for Raspberry PIs when you don't have a screen attached.
- easy to install
- Simple overview over all monitored systems
- ready for self-hosting, SQL-DB required
By the way: Don't mix up Beacons with delicious Bacon ! :)
- WebServer with PHP 5.6 or higher
- MySQL Database
Copy all files from /serverFiles to your server directory.
Security: Make sure you copied .htaccess & .htpasswd and as well inserted your credentials to ensure nobody except you can view your vulnurable information. Without this files everyone could access your Beacon-Information-Page!
If you want you can use a .htpasswd-generator to create your .htaccess & .htpasswd files. For example you can use this one: https://www.askapache.com/online-tools/htpasswd-generator/
- Enter your MySQL DB Credentials into db_connection.php.
- Use the /serverFiles/createTable.sql on your DB to create initale Table-Structure
- Open https://YOURSERVER/lastKnownIp.php to view the data send by the clients.
- Just copy the /clientFiles/sendBeacon.sh to your Clients home folder
- Change the deviceName Variable & the serveradress in the sendBeacon.sh
- Make sure sendBeacon.sh is executable: chmod +x sendBeacon.sh
- Add the following line to your crontab (type crontab -e in your console) this will call the script every minute:
* * * * * bash sendBeacon.sh
- You can send payloads (any String) with the beacons
In case you don't have curl on your device (for example on some minimal OpenWRT Routers) you can replace it in the Bash-File with http PUT instead. The package needed to be install in openWrt is called httpie.
http PUT https://YOURSERVER/hey.php whois=DEVICENAME
Author: Tim Lüdtke (https://timluedtke.de)
Version 1.5.4 (Dez 2023)
Logo-Image is licensed under CC-BY-3.0 by author: pixelbuddha Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File%3ABeacon_ballonicon2.svg