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Tim Olson edited this page Jun 23, 2014 · 2 revisions

Coin Trader

Coin Trader is a Java-based backend for trading cryptocurrencies, released under the Apache License. It brings together:

Coin Trader adds:

  • a control console
  • simulated trading
  • schema and persistence, see below (package schema)
  • csv market data output (not flexible yet, package module.savetickscsv)
  • ad-hoc ascii table reports (command jpa and class AdHocJpaReportCommand)
  • module loader to connect data emitters, persisters, replayers, signals, strategies, etc, to Esper (package module)
  • command pattern making new utilities easy to implement (package bin)

Coin Trader's future:

  • live order execution, basic routing
  • flexible data output
  • basic signals
  • accounting and reconciliation
  • a variety of backtesting

To implement signals and strategies, you connect Esper event queries to Java code like this:

@When( "select avg(priceAsDouble) from sec)" )
void checkMovingAverage( double avg )
  if( avg > trigger )
    esper.publish( new MySignal(5.31) );

@When( "select * from MySignal where mySignalValue > 5.0" )
void enterTrade( MySignal s )
  orders.create( Listings.BTC_USD, 1.0 )
        .withLimit( 650.25 )

Then, when any Trade market data arrives, your checkAverage() method is invoked, which publishes your signal, which triggers the enterTrade() method. Esper provides a rich and sophisticated language for querying the events published by Coin Trader.

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