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v2.1 -- enabling population generation

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@timothydmorton timothydmorton released this 05 Feb 08:38
· 20 commits to master since this release

The biggest update in this release is the addition of the populations submodule (thanks to the request by and collaboration of @andersdot), which streamlines simulating observed populations of stars (see docs).

Other minor updates:

  • An update to the Gaia bandpasses from (thanks @segasai)
  • Updated (used in starfit-summarize) to use BasicStarModel objects.
  • Fixed a bug with .generate() method that would cause it to hang indefinitely if given an out-of-bounds parameter.
  • Enabled pre-packaged priors (e.g., SalpeterPrior, ChabrierPrior, AVPrior) to receive custom bounds.
  • Refactored logging (thanks @dfm)
  • Enabled .generate() to take an all_As keyword argument, which if true creates columns with specific extinctions in each band (to allow, e.g., for de-reddening a simulated population of stars).