Base 24 themes for Termux
Find themes under output/schemes
Move the built colour scheme to ~/.termux/
within the Termux
environment. Replace the existing file if necessary.
You will need to either restart Termux or run the termux-reload-settings
command for the change to take effect.
- Run
- Run
./ update
- Run
./ build
See the CHANGELOG for more information.
- Press the Clone or download button in the top right
- Copy the URL (link)
- Open the command line and change directory to where you wish to clone to
- Type 'git clone' followed by URL in step 2
$ git clone
More information can be found at
- Press the Clone or download button in the top right
- Click open in desktop
- Choose the path for where you want and click Clone
More information can be found at
- Download this GitHub repository
- Extract the zip archive
- Copy/ move to the desired location
MIT License Copyright (c) Base24 (See the LICENSE for more information.)