Command line utility for downloading and streaming videos from Giant Bomb! -l 3 --sort asc --filter --name "Mario Party Party" --download
This searches for the first three videos with "Mario Party Party" in the title and downloads them in ascending order --filter --name "Assassin's Creed" --video_type 3 --quality low --download
This searches for all videos with "Assassin's Creed" in the title, in the Quick Look category (video type 3).
It sets the requested quality to low and then downloads them in descending order
Usage: [options]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-l <x>, --limit=<x> limits the amount of items requested, defaults to 25
--offset=<x> specify the offest into the results, defaults to 0
--quality=QUALITY the quality of the video, used when streaming or
downloading, (low, high, hd) defaults to high
--download will attempt to download all videos matching filters
--stream will attempt to stream videos matching filters via
the folder to output downloaded content to
--dump_video_types will dump all known ids for video types,
--filter will attempt to filter by the below arguments
--sort=SORTORDER orders the videos by their id (asc/desc) defaults to
--dump_video_shows will dump all known ids for video shows,
Filter options:
Use these in conjunction with --filter to customise results
--name=FILTERNAME search for videos containing the specified phrase in
the name
--id=CONTENTID id of the video
id of the video type (see --dump_video_types)
id of the video show (see --dump_video_shows)
Debug Options:
--debug logs server requests and json responses
Your api key can be requested and found at
Your api key is stored in your home directory (~/.giant_bomb_cli/config)
If you wish to change api key, just delete the config file and you'll be prompted to input a new one next time the script is run