A Leiningen plugin to facilitate building and deploying OSGi bundles. The intention of this project is to serve as a Clojure substitute for the Maven Bundle Plugin.
Put [lein-bundle "0.1.0]
into the :plugins
vector of your project.clj.
Add the following metadata to your project file:
:bnd {"Bundle-SymbolicName" ~'com.example.mybundle
"Bundle-Activator" ~'com.example.mybundle.MyActivator
"Export-Package" [com.example.mybundle]
"Import-Package" [org.osgi.framework
;; other packages
:bundle {:obr-url "http://a-host.amazonaws.com:8080/repository.xml"
:scp {:host "http://a-host.amazonaws.com"
:repo-path "/var/www/repository.xml"
:username "username"}}
The main task is 'deploy' which deploys the BND-created bundle to the repository named releases in the :repository key of the project file and also updates the OBR located at :obr-url with the meta data for the bundle.
$ lein bundle deploy
Note that the implementation uses scp to update the remote OBR and this requires a properly configured ssh-agent on the development system.
Copyright © 2014 Tim McIver
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.