#Link: https://github.com/tobiaslafleur/Inventorysystem.git
Clone the repository
Länk: https://github.com/tobiaslafleur/Inventorysystem.git -
Download the javafx SDK for your operating system from https://gluonhq.com/products/javafx/
Extract the folder from the zip and save it somewhere easily accessible (ex. Documents)
Open the cloned repository with IntelliJ IDEA
Go to File -> Project Structure -> Project, and set the project SDK to 15
Go to File -> Project Structure -> Libraries and add the JavaFX 15 SDK as a library to the project. Point to the lib folder of the JavaFX SDK.
Go to Run -> Edit Configurations and write either of the following, depending on your operating system
Now go to src/java/Controller and run Main.java