The main goal is to create a test for every single page in default magento, frontend and admin.
Another objective is to write the tests configurable so one can just create a module, reset the defaults in config.xml to fit their needs and run the tests.
Furthermore it should be easy to extend to allow it to easily cover third-party modules.
The included tests are based on Magento 1.9.1 CE with sample data but if you modify the XMLs it should work on any magento where Xtest can run.
Xtest from Code-x (
Selenium server (
Phpunit (included in Xtest)
Magento (of course) with sampledata (to run the included tests)
Of course you can use Xtest as normal (see Documentation) but you can do simple Pagetests with minimal effort with this module.
For a complete overwiew have a look at: config.xml
The basics are covered below:
place just an other URL-Element into /config/default/xtest/frontendtest/urls following this schema:
<a1><![CDATA[class=" cms-page-view cms-about-magento-demo-store"]]></a1>
place just an other URL-Element into /config/default/xtest/admintest/urls following this schema:
<url_1>You can configure the admin-user by changing /config/default/xtest/admintest/user
<a1><![CDATA[<a href="#" name="real_order_id" title="asc" class="not-sort">]]></a1>
place just an other URL-Element into /config/default/xtest/customertest/urls following this schema:
<url_1>You can configure the customer accounts by changing /config/default/xtest/customertest/customers
<a1><![CDATA[<body class=" customer-account-index customer-account">]]></a1>
Please note that all URLs will be called for all accounts.
place just an other URL-Element into /config/default/xtest/producttest/products following this schema:
<a1><![CDATA[<div class="price-box">]]></a1>
<a2><![CDATA[<span class="regular-price" id="product-price-]]></a2>
<a3><![CDATA[<span class="price">]]></a3>
place just an other URL-Element into /config/default/xtest/catalogtest/categories following this schema:
<a1><![CDATA[<div class="sort-by">]]></a1>
<a2><![CDATA[<div class="product-info">]]></a2>
<a3><![CDATA[<div class="price-box">]]></a3>
place just an other URL-Element into /config/default/xtest/catalogtest/categories following this schema:
<clickon><![CDATA[#header div.skip-links > div.account-cart-wrapper > a]]></clickon>
<a1><![CDATA[<a class="skip-link skip-account skip-active" data-target-element="#header-account" href="[[unsecure_base_url]]customer/account/">]]></a1>
<a2><![CDATA[<div class="header-minicart">]]></a2>
Just have a look at config.xml at /config/default/xtest/checkouttest as well as xtext.xml at /config/default/xtest/selenium/checkout
Just have a look at config.xml at /config/default/xtest/pageconfig, you can configure every aspect covered in this module.