This is all my solutions to advent of code, and accompanying runner harness I've built up over the years.
Whilst working on a solution,
$ cargo make watch
Will find the most recently edited solution, compile just that (using the aoc_latest macro), and run it in release mode.
$ cargo make run_all
Will compile and run all solutions for all years.
In recent years, I've committed as soon as I get the answer solved, then again after I've tidied up, so if you want to see the mess I create under time pressure, check the 'as solved' commits :)
- day 11 - I want to try solving this where each Monkey runs on a separate thread.
- day 14 - try solving by calculating the size of the giant sand pyramid - (num of rocks + sand shadows under the horizontal rows of rock)
- day 16 - needs more optimisation - maybe use ids to keep track of everything, and use vecs instead of hashmaps all over the place.