Python module for sending Prowl notifications
Created by Todd Roberts
import pyprowl
p = pyprowl.Prowl('YOUR_PROWL_API_KEY')
print("Prowl API key successfully verified!")
except Exception as e:
print("Error verifying Prowl API key: {}".format(e))
p.notify(event='Event name', description='Description of event',
priority=0, url='',
#apiKey='uncomment and add API KEY here if different',
appName='Name of app sending the notification')
print("Notification successfully sent to Prowl!")
except Exception as e:
print("Error sending notification to Prowl: {}".format(e))
- Added support for python 3 using requests module
- Fixed package layout (moved code from
to support importing of module)
- Updated package layout for submission to PyPI
- Supports verification of API key and sending of notifications
- API key can be set at instantiation and left out of subsequent calls, or it can be set on each call
- App name can be set at instantiation and left out of subsequent calls, or it can be set on each call to notify()