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Executing Arbitrary JavaScript

Francisco Ryan Tolmasky I edited this page Oct 18, 2016 · 1 revision


Executes JavaScript in the given window (or on the main page if window is null).


  • args - Arguments to pass the function that is run.
  • window (optional) - The window in which to run the function.
  • script - A function, whose last two parameters are resolve and reject, that will be run. Call resolve when completed, or reject with an error.
const execute = require("demokit/execute");

// Fade button in.
<execute    window = "the-window"
            script =
                function(resolve, reject)
                    var button = document.getElementById("button");
                    var style =;
                    button.addEventListener("transitionend", function end()

                    style.transition = "opacity 0.5s";                    
                    style.opacity = 1;
            } />
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