An example usage of Haffaz.
Try it by running npm install
> dictator-haffaz-example@0.0.1 prepare /home/bjerre/workspace/dictator/dictator-haffaz-example
> npx haffaz@0.0.18
_ __ __
| |__ __ _ / _| / _| __ _ ____
| '_ \ / _` | | |_ | |_ / _` | |_ /
| | | | | (_| | | _| | _| | (_| | / /
|_| |_| \__,_| |_| |_| \__,_| /___|
Built with dictator-builder@0.0.19.
Setup some git stuff.
Up to date: .gitignore should have lines
Applying: copy pre-commit-hook.txt to .git/hooks/pre-commit
Applying: pre-commit have chmod 0755
Applying: copy gitmessage.txt to .gitmessage
Notice: Applying: ....
. The Haffaz dictator dictates what this repository should look like. So that this code does not need to be duplicated in all repositories!