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A calendar app built with React, Node.js, Express and MongoDB.


  • Authentication system with password encryption and JSON web tokens
  • Add, Edit, Delete events
  • Drag and drop events
  • Add time and/or emoji to events 🐶
  • Toast alerts when event saved/deleted
  • Automatic chronological ordering of events
  • Automatic fetching of national holidays and festival based on user’s location
  • Light and dark mode 🌞 🌘
  • Choice of four languages - English, Spanish, French and Turkish
  • Choice of over 200 countries for national holidays 🌍
  • Settings preferences saved in local storage
  • Responsive design
  • Printable



To run this project on your own computer:

  1. Clone/download the repo
  2. Run npm install in both the root directory and the client directory
  3. In the following files in client/src/2-context, delete "/api" from the beginning of the urls passed into the axios calls and replace it with “http://localhost:5000”:
  • AuthContext.js
  • HolidaysContext.js
  • EventsContext.js
  1. Sign up to OpenCageData and Calendarific (for free) to get your own API keys and include them in server.js or put them in a .env file.
  2. In the parent directory, run npm run dev (this starts the server with Nodemon and starts the React project simultaneously)





The main calendar component is found at the /calendar path which is a protected route. This is implemented with a ProtectedRoute component which takes the path and component as props. When a user attempts to access this path, it checks whether authenticated is set to true (accessed via context) and, if so, returns the requested component, otherwise it redirects the user to the home screen where they can log in or register.

The app uses the built-in HTML5 form validation during registration but also custom validation to ensure, additionally, that the email address ends with a TLD and that the passwords match. Custom styling is also used to indicate whether a form input has been filled with valid data (green background if valid, red if not). If the user attempts to register with invalid data, or if the email address is already registered, the validation system on the backend will return a custom error message which is displayed in red text below the form.

If all data is valid, the password will be hashed with bcrypt and the new user will be saved to the database. After registering (or logging in) successfully, a JSON web token will be signed (using the jsonwebtoken package) and returned to the frontend where it will be saved in local storage. Also, authenticated will be set to true and the user will be redirected to the main calendar page.

When the user attempts to perform any CRUD operation, a middleware function called verifyToken runs on each request which extracts the token from the request headers and verifies it (using the same jsonwebtoken package).

The user can log out of the app by clicking on the My Account icon in the top right of the screen and clicking the log out button. When they do this, authenticated will be set to false, the token in local storage will be deleted and they will be redirected to the home screen.


When a day in the calendar is clicked, the DayEvents modal opens showing a list of events on that day, if there are any. The Add Event button opens the EventForm modal which has a text input for the event title (required) as well as buttons that open menus to add a time and emoji (optional). All CRUD operations are managed in EventsContext. To ensure smooth performance, updates are made optimistically, so the app state is updated first and the database is updated after this. Once the database has been updated, events are fetched again and an object with text is passed into an alertInfo variable in state (e.g. Saved, Deleted, Not saved) which causes the Alert component to render and pop down from the top of the screen. An effect hook in EventsContext sets the value of alertInfo to null after 5 seconds so that the alert disappears. The alert will be green in the case of success and red if the update failed.

To edit an event's info, the user just neeeds to click on the event and then click the Edit button. This opens the same form used when first adding the event but each input will be populated with the event's info, including the time and emoji inputs. This is achieved with a selectedEvent variable in the EventForm component's state which is set when the user clicks on any event. The default values for the input variables in state are set to selectedEvent's values, if not null, otherwise they will be set to empty strings. The user can edit the event's info (or remove it in the case of time and emoji) before re-saving the event. If the user wants to move the event to a different date, they can do this by dragging and dropping (see below).


The calendar itself is constructed using two functions - createYearArray() and createMonthArray(). The first is triggered with an effect hook in the Calendar component which runs when the dateObj in context is set. This createYearArray simply calls the createMonthArray twelve times, passing in the year of the dateObj and the value of i from the for loop to represent the month, and pushes the returned arrays into a single year array. The createMonthArray function uses these arguments to get the date of the first day of the month, get the day index (e.g. 3 for Wednesday) and then count the number of days from the previous Sunday - these will be blank cells in the calendar. The JavaScript date object counts Sunday as the start of the week with an index of 0 but this calendar starts on Monday so the function gives Sundays an index of 7 instead, so that there are 6 blanks before it if the month starts on a Sunday.

Similarly, the function finds the date of the last day of the month and creates blanks for the end of the month by subtracting the number of preceding days and blanks already pushed onto the month array from 42 (the total number of cells).

For each cell in the calendar (both days and blanks), an object is pushed onto a month array. In the case of a blank, the date is set to -1. The reason blanks are given a date value at all is so the contents of each cell take up equal space and CSS problems are avoided. This -1 is not visible in the calendar.


There are three ways to change date in the calendar. In month-view, the user can click the arrows in the header to go forward or back one month. Before changing the month, the setMonth function which is triggered checks to see whether the new month index is -1 or 12, which would mean the user has moved into the previous or following year respectively, and updates the year and month accordingly.

In year-view, there are also arrows in the header which move the year either forward or back. A faster alternative to the arrows (if changing more than just a few years) is to click on the date between the arrows in the header in month-view. A drop down menu will appear with two scrollable lists - one for months and the other for years. The user can quickly jump to any month/year in the last century.


Months are constructed by mapping over the month arrays produced by the createMonthArray() function and returning a Day component for each object.

A good amount of logic is required in the Day component before any JSX is rendered but most of it is abstracted into helper functions (found in the Utils directory). First, it gets an array of any events which are on this day using the getDayEvents() function which receives the events array from context as an argument along with the day object. This function loops over all the events and returns an array of events with a matching date.

Next in the Day component, the events returned from getDayEvents() are sorted chronologically with the sortEvents() function. It works by first comparing the years of events, then months, then days and so on, until the order can be determined. Events are left in the same order as in the database if there is no difference in time.

After this, the component gets an array of holidays on the day with the getHolidayNames() function.

Events (and holidays) are represented in the calendar by 'bars' with the title as well as any emoji or time that user has also added. These bars stack on top of each other in the calendar's day cells. Obviously, space is limited, so if a single day has more than 4 events (or the combination of events and holidays is more than four), just a single bar is displayed which informs the user of the number of events there are. This is done with a simple if/else statement in the Day component which sets the eventsToDisplay array to a single object with text which tells the user the number of events there are on that day.

Next, an array of classNames for the Day element is composed by calling the getCellClassNames() function. This function adds a className based on whether the cell is blank or not, whether the date is today's date and whether it's a weekend or if if there is a holiday or event on that day.

In year-view, each month has 6 rows (42 cells). This is so the size of each month on the screen is uniform. This is despite the fact that some months only take up 5 rows. In month-view, if the last row of a month does not have any days, it is hidden to provide more space on the screen. This is achieved by applying a className of "hideRow" to the first cell in the 6th row if it has a date of -1 (i.e. if it's blank). This cell and all the cells after it are then hidden with a CSS rule.

In year-view, as the cells are so small, event bars and holiday bars cannot be displayed. Instead, these cells are highlighted a different color. When hovered, a tooltip-style message appears telling the user the name of any holiday on that day and whether that day is today and telling them the number of events they have on that day. For each day an array of these messages is created with the getDayHoverMessages() based on the holidayNames, eventsOnThisDay and classNames arrays created earlier.


MongoDB is used to store data and Mongoose is used as a framework for interacting with the database. The app connects to the database in server.js. Only one Mongoose schema is used - User. This schema has 4 keys - name, email, password and events. The events key is set to an array which contains objects for each event. Whenever a request is made to update the database, the correct user is first found by extracting the current user's email from the token sent along with the request.


Thanks to the react-beautiful-dnd library, events can be easily dragged and dropped in a different day. A (required) function called onDragEnd() is called in the Month component when the user drops the event. This function calls the moveEvent function in EventsContext.

The react-beautiful-dnd library provides a Draggable component (for events) and a Droppable component (for days). Droppables require a unique id. A date string has been used for these ids. The moveEvent function extracts the date of the destination day from this id, then maps over all the events (from context) and replaces the date of the matching event when it finds it. It then updates the local version of events before calling the moveEvent function on the backend which updates the database. Updates are performed in this order (local first, then database) because, otherwise, there would be a visible lag when the user drops the event.


Once a user has registered/logged in and authenticated has been set to true, an effect hook in HolidaysContext makes a call to the backend which in turn makes a call to the Calenderific API to get a list of supported countries (if not already saved in local storage). These are then used to populate the location menu in settings. The same hook also calls a function that checks local storage for a saved preference for holidays - whether they should be displayed in the calendar or not. If nothing is found, it's set to the default - 'Show'.

Whenever the holidays preference changes, the new preference is saved in local storage. If it's being changed from 'Hide' to 'Show', the app checks local storage for a saved location object. If found, it sets state with it, if not found, it attempts to get the user's location. This is done with the Geolocation API and specifically the getCurrentPosition() method. If permission is given, the coordinates obtained are then used in a call to the backend which makes a call to the OpenCage API which sends back the name of the country the user is located in as well as the country code. These are then saved in state. If permission is not given to access the user's location, United Kingdom is set as the default.

Whenever the location object in HolidaysContext state changes, the country object is saved to local storage. Before making an API call to get holidays for that country, the app checks the storedHolidays array (see below) to see if they've already been saved there and, if not, it checks local storage. If the correct holidays are not found in either, it makes the API call.

fetchHolidays() makes a call to the backend which in turn makes a call to the Calendarific API. The holidays in the response are filtered for national holidays, common local holidays and observances. This array of holidays is saved twice to state - to holidays and storedHolidays. The first array is what's passed down to other components in the calendar and causes holidays to be displayed. If the user turns off holidays in settings, this array is cleared. The second array is kept as a backup so that, if the user turns holidays on again, another call to the API will not be required.

Although the app's location will be set to the user's location if they grant access, they can easily change it if they would like to see holidays from a different country. In the settings component, under Language, there is a text input, the value of which will be whatever the current location is set to. To change it, the user can simply delete the value in the input field and type the name of a different country. This input field is its own component with auto-complete functionality. The component receives an array of options and populates a list with them. The list is invisible until the user starts typing in the input. The onChange handler then filters through all of the options and only displays in the list options which contain matching text.

The list can also be navigated using the arrow keys. This is done by help of the activeOption index in state which is incremented or decremented when the user clicks one of the arrows. When the list items are being mapped and rendered, an if/else statement checks whether the item's index is the same as activeOption and, if so, applies a className indicating this. The item with this className is highlighted with a CSS rule.


Users can choose between four languages in settings - English, French, Spanish and Turkish. The value of language in LanguageContext is set with the function getInitialLanguage() which checks local storage for a saved preference and saves it to state if found, else sets the language to the default - English. The siteText file contains translations of each piece of text used in the app in the four languages. The correct option is retrieved within components using bracket notation with the language value passed down from LanguageContext. For example, the button element in the EventForm component:

<button className="event-form__button" type="submit">

This will retrieve one of the four translations of 'Add Event' found in the siteText file:

export const addEventTextOptions = {
  English: "Add Event",
  Español: "Agrega Evento",
  Français: "Ajouter Évènement",
  Türkçe: "Etkinlik Ekle"


One of the options in settings is to choose between a light mode and dark mode/theme. Light mode is the default and, with this set, days and modals will have a white background. In dark mode, the background color of days and modals is dark blue/purple. The styling is controlled using context which tells each component which theme is currently set. This is then used to conditionally add classNames, e.g. month--dark. When the user changes this setting, the new preference is saved in local storage so it will be the same the next time they log in.


The calendar has a total of 5 modal components - DayEvents, EventForm, EventInfo, MyEvents and Settings. As these components are closely related (e.g. they share styling, they're used to update events), they are all rendered by a parent ModalContainer component. This component manages most of the state used across the other ones and controls which modals should be shown and which hidden. It also contains functions for handling form submission and event deletion which are passed down as props to the appropriate child components.

The EventInfo modal displays a single event that the user has clicked and has two buttons - Edit and Delete. There are two ways to access this modal. The first is by clicking on an event in the DayEvents modal. The second is by clicking on an event in the MyEvents modal (accessed via the icon in the top right of the screen). One problem encountered during production was how to ensure that the back button in EventInfo returned the user to the modal that they came from. This problem was solved by setting a variable in state in ModalContainer called viaMyEvents. The handler function that opens the DayInfo modal accepts two arguments - the event and also an optional origin argument. If the DayInfo modal is opened via the MyEvents modal, then viaMyEvents is set to true. Then, when the goBack() function is called, it checks this variable and redirects the user accordingly.


A printer icon can be found in the top right of the screen. When clicked, it will open the print window on the user's computer ready to print whatever screen they were looking at (either whole year-view or single month-view). The orientation of the page will be set to landscape automatically. This is achieved with a media query.


On mobile screens, only month-view is available. Also, the row of icons for My Account, My Events, Settings and Print does not appear in the header. Instead, there is a hamburger menu icon which opens an expanding menu with links to these components. This is done by using app-wide DeviceContext. This component adds an event listener to the window on startup which will run a function called getWidth() whenever the window size changes. Whenever the windowSize variable is updated, an effect hook runs which sets the device variable in state to either "desktop", "mobile" or "tablet". This variable is accessible by all components and so elements can be rendered conditionally. For example, the hamburger menu icon in MonthHeader:

  device !== "desktop" && (
    <div className="month-header__hamburger" onClick={() => setShowMenu(true)}>




A full-stack calendar app.







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