provides a view showing multiple journals in one buffer. It helps you to review your journals.
This package is designed to work with org-journal at open of the box but it should also work with another journal systems by your customization.
Using strainght.el
'(org-journal-timeline :type git :host github :repo "tomoyukim/org-journal-timeline"))
Or with package.el
:straight (org-journal-timeline :type git :host github :repo "tomoyukim/org-journal-timeline")
:straight (org-journal-timeline :type git :host github :repo "tomoyukim/org-journal-timeline")
(org-journal-timeline-days 30)
(org-journal-timeline-timeline-directory "~/.org/my/journals")
(org-journal-timeline-date-format "^\\([0-9]+-[0-9]+-[0-9]+\\.org\\)$")
("C-c j" . org-journal-timeline-show))