Bookmarklet that allows users to create hotkeys for
Goto bookmarklet page and copy
link to your browser bookmarks.* Also available Beta bookmarklet page with
combat-text and hotkeys
tab active click thePBN-Hotkeys
*Must click on the PBN-Hotkeys
bookmark before connecting to the server. (Menu link in upper right hand corner will turn black when connected)
$git clone
$cd paintballnet-hotkeys
$npm install
$npm run start
that runs the script and with auto loading web-dev server. Also includes the paintballnet css classes for a better feel of actual ui interface on paintballnet and supports hot reloading for speedy development.
Production build:
$npm run build
generates a single build/index.html
file with bookmarklet link that can be hosted or opened directly in the browser.
- add status label to show hotkeys are working
- add custom hotkey configure menu
- basic ui
- functioning save button
- working delete button
- working add new hotkey feature
- bulk export/import feature
- Add hotkey profiles that can be toggled via other hotkeys - this would allow players to make equipment specific key binds
- 1.0.0: First version with hard bound hotkeys
- 1.1.0: Rough working UI (still missing lots of features and buggy)
- 1.2.0: UI is fully functioning! User can Create, Update, Save and Delete custom hotkeys
- Thomas J. Herzog -
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.