⚠️ This code is provided as-is — it is not meant to be executed verbatim. No support is provided in any way.
This repository holds all platform code for running a Mastadon server on DigitalOcean using Kubernetes.
Create a Personal Access Token and a Spaces access key.
The following environment variables have to be set
Personal access token:
Spaces access keys:
Configure aws-cli with the values from SPACES_ACCESS_KEY_ID
aws configure --profile digitalocean
Active the aws-cli profile:
export AWS_PROFILE=digitalocean
In the environments folder you will find a production
folder, that's the only environment for now. If you want to test major changes you can simply copy the production
folder, change all variables and deploy an entirely seperate environment just for testing.
To deploy the infrastructure needed on Digitalocean you can cd
into every folder in environments/production
and change all variables.
After you did that you can run...
terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply
Repeat these steps until you reached the end of the folder tree.
Continue with deploying Mastodon.