Nagios check script for checking replication/indexing issues on solr nodes, on a solr 4.2+ node (really should be a 4.3+ node due to:
The script has 3 functions:
- Checking a slave node to compare the indexVersion of its local index and the last known masters index version. (-R)
- Checking a that the index on the master has currently been updated (-A)
- Ping request to check that the solr is up, and the core is present (-P)
The nagios check has the following options
--version show program's version number and exit
-h, --help show this help message and exit
SOLR Server address to connect to
SOLR Server port to connector
SOLR Server's context path i.e. solr
-P, --pingcheck Monitroing Check: simple url ping that checks the solr
instance is running the given cores (indexes)
-A, --agecheck Monitoring Check: checking the age of the index given
cores is within the given values
-R, --replicationcheck
Monitoring Check: checking the age of the index is
within a certain replication time lag
WARN threshold for replication check (number of seconds)
CRIT threshold for replication check (number of seconds)
The comma separated list of solr cores to be checked
-t TIMEOUT, --timeout=TIMEOUT
The timeout for the request to solr
-d, --disabled The monitoring check is disabled
The three checks are:
Check age of the index on the given host, to the time on the local server (where the script is running). Note it checks the indexVersion timestamp, to the current time on the server which is running the script. Therefore if you specify -s value that isn't the current localhost, then you could be affected by timescew (NTP). The -c and -w are the number of seconds old the index can be.
Check that on the master that index has been updated in the last 60 seconds or a warning is issued, and issue a critical alert if the index is over 5 mins old (no indexing in past 5 mins):
./ -i core1,core2 -A -H localhost -p 8080 -u solr -w 60 -c 300
CRITICAL: Index Age Check.| { "status": "CRITICAL", "critical_cores": ["core1"], "warning_cores": [], "ok_cores": [],"num_cores_checked" : "1" , "num_ok_cores" : "0", "details": [ {"core":"core1","age(s)":"-1", "msg":"exception calling http://localhost:80/solr/core1/replication?wt=json&command=indexversion"} ] }
WARNING: Index Age Check.| { "status": "WARNING", "critical_cores": [], "warning_cores": ["core2"], "ok_cores": ["core1"],"num_cores_checked" : "2" , "num_ok_cores" : "1", "details": [ {"core":"core2","age(s)":"1388794731"},{"core":"core1","age(s)":"22"} ] }
OK: Index Age Check.| { "status": "OK", "critical_cores": [], "warning_cores": [], "ok_cores": ["core2","core1"],"num_cores_checked" : "2" , "num_ok_cores" : "2", "details": [ {"core":"core2","age(s)":"10104"},{"core":"core1","age(s)":"104"} ] }
Calls the slave's replication details endpoint. And obtains the "indexVersion" of the slave and master, and compares these two values against each other. The -c and -w are the number of seconds difference there can be between the master and slave index
Check that the replication on this slave node, is less than 5 mins (300seconds) behind the index on the master or issue a warning. Or if more than 10 mins behind issue a critical alert. (/replication?command=details&wt=json)
./ -i core1,core2 -R -H localhost -p 8080 -u solr -w 300 -c 600
CRITICAL: Index Replication Version Age Check.| { "status": "CRITICAL", "critical_cores": ["core2"], "warning_cores": [], "ok_cores": ["core1"],"num_cores_checked" : "2" , "num_ok_cores" : "1", "details": [ {"core":"core2","age(s)":"198"},{"core":"core1","age(s)":"68"} ] }
CRITICAL: Index Replication Version Age Check.| { "status": "CRITICAL", "critical_cores": ["core2"], "warning_cores": [], "ok_cores": ["core1"],"num_cores_checked" : "2" , "num_ok_cores" : "1", "details": [ {"core":"core2","age(s)":"-1", "msg":"Slave index version information not available. Is this replicating? http://localhost:80/solr/core2/replication?wt=json&command=details"},{"core":"core1","age(s)":"68"} ] }
WARNING: Index Replication Version Age Check.| { "status": "WARNING", "critical_cores": [], "warning_cores": ["core2"], "ok_cores": ["core1"],"num_cores_checked" : "2" , "num_ok_cores" : "1", "details": [ {"core":"core2","age(s)":"198"},{"core":"core1","age(s)":"68"} ] }
OK: Index Replication Version Age Check.| { "status": "OK", "critical_cores": [], "warning_cores": [], "ok_cores": ["core2","core1"],"num_cores_checked" : "2" , "num_ok_cores" : "2", "details": [ {"core":"core2","age(s)":"198"},{"core":"core1","age(s)":"68"} ] }
Just calls the ping endpoint on the solr admin, to check the core is available
Check that core1, and core2 are available on the current node
./ -i core1,core2 -P -H localhost -p 8080 -u solr
CRITICAL: Error pinging cores(s)| { "status": "CRITICAL", "critical_cores": ["core1"], "warning_cores": [], "ok_cores": [],"num_cores_checked" : "1" , "num_ok_cores" : "0", "details": [ {"core":"core1","age(s)":"-1", "msg":"exception calling http://localhost:80/solr/core1/admin/ping?wt=json"} ] }
OK. Tested core(s) | { "status": "OK", "critical_cores": [], "warning_cores": [], "ok_cores": ["core1"],"num_cores_checked" : "1" , "num_ok_cores" : "1", "details": [ {"core":"core1","age(s)":"-1"} ] }
You can run the plugin with the -d parameter, and this will just stop the plugin from running any checks. It will just output success:
OK: plugin is disabled, doing nothing | { "status":"ok" }
The -R, -A and -P return data (delimited by |) that is json data. That will provide more information on why a core may have failed:' -i core1 -R -H localhost -p 8080 -u solr -w 10 -c 300 -t 5 | cut -d'|' -f2 | python -mjson.tool
Sample Output:
"critical_cores": [
"details": [
"age(s)": "-1",
"core": "core1",
"msg": "timeout calling http://localhost:8080/solr/core1/replication?wt=json&command=details"
"num_cores_checked": "1",
"num_ok_cores": "0",
"ok_cores": [],
"status": "CRITICAL",
"warning_cores": []