If you like Farplane, please consider donating! Your donation helps support continued development toward the project. You can donate via PayPal by visiting my Pledgie link below!
Farplane is a memory editing tool for Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster. As the project is still in development (and likely will be for quite some time) you may encounter bugs or crashes. Although Farplane doesn't edit any files, always keep a backup of your saved data, and it is recommended that you use a different save slot where possible.
Final Fantasy X
- Party and aeon editor
- Customize your party and aeon's stats and abilities
- Sphere grid editor
- Select a node in game and modify it
- Item editor
- Change item types and quantities
- Change key items
- Equipment customization
- Customize name, appearance and weapon/armor type
- Change ability slots and auto abilities
- Blitzball Editor
- Modify player levels, experience and equipped techs
- Modify team sizes and rosters
- Battle Editor
- Change party/enemy HP/MP, stats and status effects in real-time
- Monster Arena
- Modify capture counts and capture/release all
- Debug options
- Control monsters
- True invincibility
- Deal max damage
- Permanent Sensor
- Many more
- Boosters
- Max all levels
- Max all stats
- Give all items
- Learn all abilities
- Shared AP after battle
- Set HP/MP and damage limits to 2,147,483,647 (maximum unsigned integer value)
Final Fantasy X-2
- General editor
- Modify current Gil
- Party editor
- Experience and stat customization
- Dressphere completion modification
- Creature editor
- Experience and stat modification
- Ability modification
- Creature trapping editor
- Modify trapped creatures when trapping
- Item editor and item cheat
- Accessory editor and accessory cheat
- Dressphere count editor
- Garment Grid editor
- Debug options
- Control enemies, control allied creatures, invincible party, max damage and more
The ability and creature name lists are based on this data from the German version of the game
Since there are a large number of ability and creature names, the data used in the app has been copied directly and it is currently only partially translated. If you like the app and want to help translate the creature or command name lists, it's really easy and your help would be greatly appreciated!
You can download the list files here:
https://raw.githubusercontent.com/topher-au/Farplane/master/FFX2/Values/Commands.cs https://raw.githubusercontent.com/topher-au/Farplane/master/FFX2/Values/Creatures.cs
Open the file in a text editor such as Notepad, and change any of the names in the list discover while using the app. Send the partially translated files to lordramza@gmail.com, or contact me via private message. Any submitters will get an in-app credit!