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Written by Ellie Cochran & Alexander Howard
Emma is a computer program that generates rough concepts of associations by reading input. She uses these associations, in conjunction with learned sentence structure patterns, to generate a reply (consequently, Emma is not a run-of-the-mill Markov bot. She's much more interesting than that~). She is a Summer project created by Digital Media student, programmer, & computer artist Ellie Cochran, and Computer Science & Mathematics student Alexander Howard.
Progress towards Beta:
#Talk to Emma You can talk to Emma using Tumblr Asks at emmacanlearn.tumblr.com.
##Implementation Details (How Does Emma Work?) (to-do)
##Contact the Developers Ellie and Alex are on social media! Ask us about Emma! Ellie Cochran is @sharkthemepark on Tumblr and Twitter. Alexander Howard is @ale303sh on Twitter.
###Special Thanks Omri Barak