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Smart pointer for any movable objects. When trackable object moved/destroyed, trackers updated with new object's pointer.


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Trackable pointer. When trackable object moved/destroyed, trackable_ptrs updated with new object's location.

Allow to have stable pointer on any movable object (in single-threaded environment). Objects may be stack allocated.

Header only. You need only "include" folder.

Warning! Performance-wise it is not faster then using heap allocated objects (probably due to size grow). See benchmarks, your mileage may vary.

struct Data{
    int x,y,z;

std::vector< unique_trackable<Data> > list1;


  trackable_ptr<Data> ptr {list1.back()};	//  store pointer to element

// list 1 now uses another memory chuck. All pointers/iterators invalidated.

// ptr still alive and accessible;
std::cout << ptr->x;
struct Box;

struct Corner{
    explicit Corner(Box* box) : box(box) {}

    trackable_ptr<Box> box;
    int x = 0;
    int y = 0;

struct Box : trackable_base {
    Corner lt{this};
    Corner rb{this};

std::vector<Box> boxes;

// Box can be moved around. Corner::box always valid.
// trackable_ptr<Box> can be stored in lambda callback.

Box& active_box = boxes[i];
on_some_event([box = trackable_ptr<Box>(&active_box)](){
    if (!box) return;
    std::cout << box->lt.x;


On trackable destruction - all trackable_ptrs becomes nullptr.

On trackable move - all trackable_ptrs updates with new object location.

On trackable copy - trackable_ptrs unaffected.


Inherit this, if you want your class to be compatible with trackable_ptr.

struct MyClass : trackable_base {}

MyClass m;
trackable_ptr<MyClass> p = &m;


trackable<int> i;
trackable_ptr<int> p = &i;

auto i2 = std::move(i);
assert(p.get() == i2.get());

For the sake of sanity, trackable<const T> is forbidden, use const trackable<T> instead.

  • trackable() - construct object with default constructor, if possible.
  • trackable(T&&) - conversion constructor.
  • trackable(Args&&... args) - in-place construct object.
  • trackable(trackable&& other)
  • trackable(const trackable&)
  • trackable& operator=(trackable&&)
  • trackable& operator=(const trackable&)
  • T* get() - return object pointer.
  • const T* get() const
  • T* operator->()
  • const T* operator->() const
  • T& operator*()
  • const T& operator*() const
  • ~trackable() - update all trackable_ptr's with new nullptr.


Same as trackable, but move-only.

Useful for use in containers. For example, it is not required for std::vector implementation to use move instead copy, when both copy and move constructor are available. Though all tested implementations currently prefer move, whenever possible.


  • trackable_ptr() - construct with nullptr
  • trackable_ptr(T*)
  • trackable_ptr(trackable<T>*)
  • auto* get_trackable() const - return address of trackable, which holds object (return get() otherwise).
  • operator bool() const - return true if not nullptr
  • T* get() const - return object pointer.
  • T* operator->() const
  • T& operator*() const
  • ~trackable_ptr() - exclude this from trackers list.


#include <vector>

#include <tower120/trackable_ptr_extensions.h>

int main() {
    std::vector<trackable<int>> vec = {1, 2, 3, 4};

    trackable_ptr<int> p{vec.begin()};

    assert(get_iterator(vec, p) == vec.begin());

    return 0;

Work with contiguous containers only.

  • in_container(const Container&, const trackable_ptr<T> &) - check if trackable_ptr stored inside contiguous container.
  • get_index(const Container&, const trackable_ptr<T>&) - return index of element in contiguous container. trackable_ptr must exists inside contiguous container.
  • get_iterator(Container&&, const trackable_ptr<T> &) - return iterator of element in contiguous container. if trackable_ptr does not exists inside contiguous container, return end().


  • 1 ptr for trackable
  • 3 ptr for trackable_ptr
  • O(n) complexity for moving/destroying trackable. Where n = tracker_ptrs per trackable
  • O(1) complexity for moving/destroying trackable_ptr


Smart pointer for any movable objects. When trackable object moved/destroyed, trackers updated with new object's pointer.








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