This is a quick-start section, which describes how to use the rpz_planner
as a stand-alone package
without installation of the entire exploration pipeline.
If you would like to explore, how the trajectory optimization works using a prerecorded data
(as a ROS bag-file), please, follow the instructions in
Start the simulator using the simgularity image cloudsim.simg
cd ~/subt_virtual/scripts/
SUBT_USE_SINGULARITY=1 SUBT_ROBOT_TEAM=x1x2 ./run_sim worldName:=simple_cave_01
Run the ROS-bridge to the simulator:
cd ~/subt_virtual/scripts/
SUBT_USE_SINGULARITY=1 SUBT_ROBOT_TEAM=x1x2 ./run_bridge_all worldName:=simple_cave_01
Run exploration pipeline (naex) with local trajectory optimization:
roslaunch rpz_planning naex.launch follow_opt_path:=true
Trajectory Optimization using Learned Robot-Terrain Interaction Model in Exploration of Large Subterranean Environments
author={Agishev, Ruslan and Petříček, Tomáš and Zimmermann, Karel},
journal={IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters},
title={Trajectory Optimization Using Learned Robot-Terrain Interaction Model in Exploration of Large Subterranean Environments},