We added a self signed app-release.apk to the repo. It points to the demo server. You can see Mercure auto updating in the app. (note, we only put Mercure ont he book show page, not the list)
I was looking for a tutorial, or solution to learn from which had a few of the elements I think are key to most apps.
- multi tenant/teams
- scope of data by team
- secured live data updates
- app setup
- messenger added for background data
Since I couldn't find on I decided to post on upwork, and open source the result. I met Maksym: https://www.upwork.com/freelancers/~01f4204dd14c8f6973 a very bright coder, who pulled this together in record time, above and beyond expectation. I hope open sourcing this can help others who want to get onto the apiplatform (and Mercure) bandwagon
- make sure no apache or nginx installed
- make sure docker installed also docker-compose tool should be installed
- clone the repo
- run sh ./setup
- docker ps to see all containers running
- if after install any containers didn't start, cd api && docker-compose stop && rm -rf var/log/* && docker-compose up -d
look for and replace instances of the demo domain. Please be sure DNS is done first, as it will be needed by certbox for SSL
set up your external IP in .env file
- api/docker-compose.yml: VIRTUAL_HOST: apidemo.yap.life
- api/docker-compose.yml: LETSENCRYPT_HOST: apidemo.yap.life
- api/docker-compose.yml: - VIRTUAL_HOST=mercuredemo.yap.life
- api/docker-compose.yml: - LETSENCRYPT_HOST=mercuredemo.yap.life
- api/docker-compose.prod.yml: VIRTUAL_HOST: apidemo.yap.life
- api/docker-compose.prod.yml: LETSENCRYPT_HOST: apidemo.yap.life
- api/docker-compose.prod.yml: - VIRTUAL_HOST=mercuredemo.yap.life
- api/docker-compose.prod.yml: - LETSENCRYPT_HOST=mercuredemo.yap.life
- client/docker-compose.prod.yml: VIRTUAL_HOST: clientdemo.yap.life
- client/docker-compose.prod.yml: LETSENCRYPT_HOST: clientdemo.yap.life
- client/docker-compose.yml: VIRTUAL_HOST: clientdemo.yap.life
- client/docker-compose.yml: LETSENCRYPT_HOST: clientdemo.yap.life
- .env.prod:VUE_APP_API_URL='https://apidemo.yap.life'
- .env.prod:VUE_APP_MERCURE_URL='https://mercuredemo.yap.life/hub'
nginx/data/conf.d/default.conf << setup all your domains
passphrase !ChangeMe! << can be changed in env.prod
- clone same repo to your local machine
- in client folder, yarn install && yarn build
- install cordova
- install needed emulators and SDKs
- cp .env.prod .env
- in mobile folder, yarn install && yarn build
- cd src-cordova
- cordova platform add ios (or other)
- cordova run ios (or replace ios with other)