Small reverse proxy in Golang that authenticates users against a Radius server.
When a user is not yet authenticated it will ask for credentials using HTTP basic authentication. The credentials will be checked against a radius server. If access is allowed a cookie will be set for subsequent requests.
go get
go build
./RadiusAuthProxy -h
Usage of ./RadiusAuthProxy:
-backend string
The backend to proxy to (default "")
-bind string
Address to bind (default ":8888")
-cookie string
Name of cookie (default "RADAUTH")
-radport string
Radius server port (default "1812")
-radsecret string
Radius shared secret (default "testing123")
-radserver string
Radius server IP address or hostname (default "")
./RadiusAuthProxy -bind=":8080" -backend="" -radserver=""
Does not work for servers that redirect to another URL (including changing to https). Also a backend with "https" will only work if the reverse proxy is using https, currently not supported directly - so use nginx/haproxy or another SSL frontend.