Adds user picture icons (avatars) to Trac.
Screenshots of the plugin in action can be found at
Credit goes to Michael Bayer for the idea -- and most of the code -- in
A mirror is also available on Bitbucket:
The avatar engine is configurable, and two are provided in this package: a GravatarProvider that looks up the user's email address at Gravatar, and a UserManagerProvider that uses internally hosted images provided by the Trac UserManager Plugin if it is installed:
The approach of the plugin is to filter specific Trac views, gather all the authors found in the "data" hash being passed to Genshi, then using Genshi filters to insert additional avatar nodes with the proper img tags.
Currently supported views are:
- Timeline
- Ticket details: reporter, owner, comments, comment diffs
- Attachment views (on tickets, wiki pages, etc)
- Source control views (directory listings, file contents, changesets)
- Report and custom query views
- Wiki history, diffs and individual versions
- Search results
This is, more or less, all the places where users show up in a standard Trac instance. If you find any other places where icons should also be inserted, whether in a standard Trac installation or in a view provided by your favorite plugin, please submit an issue or a patch.
Patches implementing additional avatar engines are also welcome.
Install the plugin in your favorite way (python develop, uploading an egg, etc) and then enable its components in trac.ini like so::
[components] userpictures.* = enabled
You should then choose your preferred avatar engine. For Gravatar::
[userpictures] pictures_provider = UserPicturesGravatarProvider
For UserManager, ensure that the UserManager plugin is installed, and then::
[userpictures] pictures_provider = UserPicturesUserManagerProvider
If you do not explicitly select either engine, a default provider is used which displays a blank silhouette for every user.
There are a number of optional "size" settings for each view; these are set to sensible defaults that are designed to look good with a standard Trac install and the stylesheet provided by this plugin, but look at the source in userpictures/ (and the CSS in userpictures/htdocs/userpictures.css) if you really want to change the way the icons are displayed.