This project attemps to make route relations in OpenStreetMap more visible and useful by listing certain routes based on country and tag criteria. For example it's easy to create a table listing all bus routes from a certain station.
If you have a working OpenStreetMap database as described in gravitystorm/openstreetmap-carto, you can dump the road routes with following SQL:
select, ST_AsText(ST_Transform(ST_PointOnSurface(b.way),
4326), 3857) AS way, a.tags::hstore from planet_osm_rels as a inner join planet_osm_line as b on
substring(a.members[1], 2)::BIGINT = b.osm_id where a.tags::hstore->'route' in
('road') and a.tags::hstore ? 'name' and a.tags::hstore ? 'ref'
It contains the route relation ID, tags, a random coordinate of the route (can
be reverse geocoded to find country). There is a script in generator
folder to
dump all route relations and classify the routes into countries.
The database is self-contained in the git repository. You only need to install
to build the blog locally. To the the complete installation guide, please
visit Hugo Installation. Note you'll need the
extended version.
If you are on macOS, brew install hugo
will be enough.