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Hugo TRex Theme

Hi. I'm the hugo TRex starter theme. I'm a theme meant for hacking so try turning me into the next awesome TRex website. That's what I'm here for.

Getting Started

  1. Download the trex theme folder into Hugo theme folder
git clone trex
  1. In the config.toml file of your new site edit the value theme="trex"
  2. Copy sample content from exampleSite into the sites contents folder

Config File

For each site modify the config.toml to define the following Hugo [params]

  subtitle = ""
  subsite = "default"
  description = ""  
  tagline = ""
  • subtitle - title of the site as written along side Tracking Exposed
  • subsite - name-space used in HTML and CSS classes (lowercase + no spaces)
  • description - the main <meta> description for the site used for SEO
  • tagline - text that is shown in the home page banner above featured


There are multipe "menus" that get re-used in different areas of the site. The following are the three that are required for the theme to build.

  • [[menu.main]] - the links in the <navbar> at the top of pages
  • [[menu.featured]] - featured boxes on home page of each site (max 3)
    • pre - value for background image path
    • post - value for description text
  • [[menu.footer]] - special per site links in <footer> of pages
     page = "Help"
     identifier = "help"
     name = "Help"
     url = "/help/"
     weight = -150
     page = "Facebook"
     identifier = "facebook"
     name = "Facebook"
     pre = "path-to-images" #backgrodund image path
     post = "comment text" #add a description text
     url = ""
     weight = -180

      page = "Help"
      identifier = "help"
      name = "Help"
      url = "/help/"
      weight = -150

Extra menus can be added as needed such as in

Frontmatter parameters

Into the Frontmatter of .md files, you can define this parameters:

  • title: "The page h1"
  • subtitle: "The page h2"
  • description: "The page's metadata description"
  • date: 2019-02-07T15:01:21+01:00
  • draft: false

SASS Architecture

The following files are how the SASS that is compiled into CSS are organized. The theme is built on top of using Bootstrap 4 framework.

  • assets/_bootstrap_customization.scss - proper extensions of various Bootstrap classes
  • assets/_components.scss - specific custom classes for areas of sites for apps (Reality Check, Zuckless News)
  • assets/_mixins.scss - reusable SASS mixins that extend or customize Boostrap styles or custom things
  • assets/_variables.scss - used throughout all SASS files
  • assets/main.scss - main file which has global body.subsite class and other custom things


Extension shortcodes

You can have links to different browser extension anywhere you may want via shortcode, just call the following in your .md file (i.e. into the

  • Youtube extension: {{< yt-extension >}}
  • FaceBook extension: {{< fb-extension >}}

Typography shortcodes

Colored text block

  • {{< boxes text="Your text" >}} Primary color as background
  • {{< boxes color="secondary" text="Your text" >}} Secondary color as background
  • {{< boxes color="red" text="Your text" >}} Red color as background
  • {{< boxes color="yellow" text="Your text" >}} Yellow color as background


Images alignment

  • {{< figure src="image-url" alt="" class="align-right">}} class="align-right"
  • {{< figure src="image-url" alt="" class="align-left">}} class="align-left"
  • {{< figure src="image-url" alt="" class="align-center">}} class="align-center"

Images sizes

  • {{< figure src="image-url" alt="" class="full" >}} class="full" 100% of the page
  • {{< figure src="image-url" alt="" class="half" >}} class="half" 50% of the page

Updating Theme

As the theme is updated and developed in the future, for instance once a new color scheme (for a subsite) is created, do the following steps

git pull origin master

Then hugo build and voila the theme is updated


website in HUGO to analyze amazon personalized offers







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