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Static map rendering with mapbox-gl. Renders a static map image from a mapbox-gl style, optionally overlaying GeoJSON data sent from the client.

Multiple styles are supported, and must be specified with a config file. For an example config file see backgrounds.json.


Zoom and Center coordinates

Request a map centered on a given coordinate, and a given zoom level. /zoom/lon/latxwidth/height/background.format Example /10.5/-111/45/200x200/default.png Post data is optional. Zoom levels are based on 512 pixel tiles, so they may be 1 off from expected.


Request a map of a specific geographic region. "/bounds/widthxheight/background.format" Bounds is in the formal W,S,E,N. Example: /-110,44,-109,45/100x100/topo.png Post data is optional.

Cover data

Request a map of a region that covers POSTed GeoJSON data. Example: /100x100/topo.png Post data is required. Extent is buffered 10% so data does not touch edges of map.

Styling data

Styling is based on the simplestyle spec. All keys are supported except marker-symbol.

Image format options

The following image formats are supported:

  • png
  • jpg or jpeg
  • webp

jpeg and webp can also specify a quality level, one of:

  • 70
  • 80
  • 90
  • 100

For example .jpg90

Example requests

  • curl -d '{"type":"Feature","properties":{},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[-111.37939453125,44.61393394730626]}}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' http://localhost:3000/100x100/default.png