This tool allows for converting XML Schema files (.xsd) to Thrift (.thrift) and Protocol Buffers (.proto).
To build xsd2thrift, you need Maven ( installed. To build xsd2thrift, run mvn install
xsd2thrift has been tested on Java SE 6.
java xsd2thrift-1.0.jar [--thrift] [--protobuf] [--output=FILENAME] [--package=NAME]
[--nestEnums=true|false] [--splitBySchema=true|false] filename.xsd
--thrift : convert to Thrift
--protobuf : convert to Protocol Buffers
--filename=FILENAME : store the result in FILENAME instead of standard output
--package=NAME : set namespace/package of the output file
--nestEnums=true|false : nest enum declaration within messages that reference them, only supported by protobuf, defaults to true
--splitBySchema=true|false : split output into namespace-specific files, defaults to false
The code contributed for this package is licensed under LGPL v3 (see LICENSE).
XSOM is covered by GPL v2 with classpath exception (see LICENSE-xsom.1).
XSOM internally uses an URI class, which is copyrighted by Thai Open Source Center (see LICENSE-xsom.2).
Any feedback will be greatly appreciated, at the GitHub project page ( or at
- tranchis
- p14n
- Fred-dy-
- pfisterer
- wesyoung
- dabble
- ae589