Welcome to transparency.dev, a community dedicated to promoting transparency technologies across various ecosystems and pioneering its integration into new application domains.
Tamper-evident logs are the heart of transparency technology and are relied on by Certificate Transparency, Sigstore (Supply Chain Security), and many other ecosystems. Visit transparency.dev to learn more!
This repository hosts critical projects for building end-to-end transparency ecosystems, including:
- trillian-tessera - a Go library for building tile-based transparency logs
- static-ct - An implementation of the Static CT API based on Tessera
- witness - Libraries and binaries for running witnesses for verifiable logs
- armored-witness - A plug and play witness solution intended to kick-start a cross-ecosystem witness network
Explore a variety of related transparency projects through the following links:
- trillian - A transparent, highly scalable and cryptographically verifiable data store.
- certificate-transparency-go - Go Code for Certificate Transparency
- C2SP - Community Cryptography Specification Project, home to transparency log specifications.
- sunlight - A Certificate Transparency log implementation and monitoring API designed for scalability, ease of operation, and reduced cost.
Here's a glimpse of some of the things we're working on during the upcoming months, along with highlights of recently completed initiatives. For more details, check out the links or join us on Slack to discuss.
- Transparency.dev Summit 2024
- Trillian 1.7.0 with PostgreSQL support
- certificate-transparency-go 1.3.0 with PostgreSQL support
- Trillian Tessera Alpha release
- Synchronous witnessing support
- Migration resources for Tiled logs
- Productionize the Witness Network
- Transparency.dev Summit 2025
Whether you are a seasoned developer or just getting started, there’s a place for you in the community. We welcome contributors and are thrilled to have you join our community as we build modern transparency ecosystems for building trust in every domain. Get involved here:
There are several ways you can contribute to our open source projects:
- Submit issues related to bugs or new feature requests
- Submit pull requests by following guidance in each project's Contributing Guidelines
- Or simply ⭐️ our repositories to show your appreciation
- Join our Slack to ask questions, give feedback, and seek guidance from our community.
- Follow our blog to stay up to date with the latest articles from the community
- Subscribe to our YouTube Channel and watch community talks from the Transparency.dev Summit 2024
Transparency.dev projects and community adopt this Code of Conduct.