- Connect BridgeMaster Base with the BridgeMaster Dealer
- BridgeMaster Base connect a wifi
- Player login website and input a BridgeMaster Base code
- Select playing mode on website
- Auction on the BridgeMaster Base
- Analysis on the website
- dealer
- auction input (by keyboard)
- monitor output (by oled)
- django==2.0.5
- account: admin
- password: admin1234
- password: bridge1234
- Member system 徐煒博
- rank
- member data
- some query for history games
- Analysis system 吳凱倫
- double dummy solver
- Playing mode 廖敏翔
- random or classic game
- round要加入首引的玩家和牌(classic game)
- 最後的合約(classic game)
- lead_player=NULL(classic game)
- bid要紀錄4家(歷史牌局)
- classic game history(列出該classic game所有玩過的牌局)
- communicate with BMB
- random or classic game
- teaching system 李孟叡(optional)
- web crawler
- visualize teaching
- ACBL learn to play bridge
- Tid
- bid (have first bid player)
- N
- E
- S
- W
- vulnerable
- contract
- leader
- board
- declarer
- result (declarer's win trick)
- score (declarer's score)