ansidiff -- a small node.js library for ANSI colored text diffs
var ansidiff = require('ansidiff');
var log = console.log;
log( ansidiff.chars('will work for food', 'will code for foo') );
log( ansidiff.words('will work for food', 'will code for foo') );
log( ansidiff.lines('one\ntwo\nthree', 'one\ndeux\ntrois\nthree') );
log( ansidiff.css('#body { color: blue }', '.content { color: blue }') );
These are using the default bright
colorer. You can use the subtle
one if you wish:
log( ansidiff.words('will work for food', 'will code for foo', ansidiff.subtle) );
In my terminal that looks like this:
npm install ansidiff