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Facade for material-ui 3.1.2 in scalajs-react.

Contains code to generate a facade for each material-ui component, based on the json API description generated by react-docgen from material-ui itself, and the results of that generation.

This uses a few heuristics to assign more detailed types (mostly for functions), and to include props from base classes (e.g. Button includes ButtonBase props). Hopefully this will allow for relatively easy updates to new material-ui versions.

Project is in a very early state:

  1. Only a few components have been tested, incompletely.
  2. Some types are approximate, in particular PropTypes.oneOfType is just presented as js.Any.
  3. Common React events are presented with correct event types, other event props just expect a Callback and will therefore discard event parameters (if any).
  4. See Todo below for more...


Until this is published properly, you will need to clone the project, run sbt, then publishLocal. The generated facade is checked in so you don't need to run the code generation unless you want to work on the generator itself.

Code generation is not done the right way - .scala files are just generated directly into the js src folder, under package org.rebeam.mui, by running scalajsReactMaterialUIJVM/run from sbt.

To regenerate the muiapi.json data describing the components, check out the material-ui project, then in the mateerial-ui project root, run react-docgen:

npx react-docgen .\packages\material-ui\src\ -o muiapi.json --pretty

You may need to trim some non-component data, for 3.1.2 this was just a reactHelpers.js at the end of the file.

Then copy the muiapi.json file to resources.


Material-ui of the correct version (see above) must be available for import - each component is imported individually, e.g.:

@JSImport("@material-ui/core/Snackbar", JSImport.Default)

For icons, see scalajs-react-material-icons.

Some component props are PascalCase, for example TextField has a InputProps prop. These have been left in PascalCase for now - they generally accept a js.Object containing props that will be passed through to a sub-element of the component.

All components provide an optional extra prop, additionalProps that is not found in the original material-ui component API. This can be passed a js.Object, and each field of that object will be passed as a prop to the underlying material-ui JS component. Any fields with names matching actual documented props of the component will only be used if those props are not specified already. This emulates the spread operator in JS.

When using event props like onClick, be careful to retrieve any required data from the event outside the Callback itself - otherwise the event may have been reused before the Callback runs, leading to errors. For example we might want to set some state to remember the anchor for a menu when a button is clicked:

  onClick = (e: ReactMouseEvent) => {
    // Get the target here, outside the Callback
    val anchor = e.currentTarget
    // Now we can use the anchor value in the modState callback
    scope.modState(_.copy(menuAnchor = Some(anchor)))


If the code generation is incorrect, several issues can occur when attempting to use the components:

Children not detected

Some components are not correctly detected by react-docgen as having children. This results in an error like the following (for CardContent component):

[error]  found   : japgolly.scalajs.react.vdom.TagMod
[error]  required: japgolly.scalajs.react.vdom.html_<^.VdomNode
[error]     (which expands to)  japgolly.scalajs.react.vdom.VdomNode
[error]             mui.CardContent()(

The fix for this is to add an entry in DocGenContext.MaterialUI in propsIncludingInheritance, for example:

        case Component(_, "CardContent", _) => additionalPropsFrom("DOCGEN_Children")

This makes CardContent inherit props from DOCGEN_Children - this is a virtual component that exists just to provide this prop conveniently. If the component already inherits from another component, just add DOCGEN_Children to the list.

Missing props

Some components are missing props because they "inherit" from another component in material-ui - this can be modelled by adding that component to DocGenContext.MaterialUI as described above for "Children not detected". Other components simply have a missing prop in the API (e.g. a built-in react prop), and this can be added by making a new DOCGEN_Foo component in the allPlusDocgen method, and then inheriting from that.


  1. Support PropTypes.oneOfType
  2. Better support and testing of array props
  3. Colors
  4. More testing/demos
  5. Check all components are included - see
  6. ExpansionPanel onChange parameters
  7. Any other missing events from native elements? E.g. onClick on MenuItem is not documented.
  8. Aria properties
  9. id, ref, etc.
  10. Detect classes prop and accept an appropriate type?
  11. Consider changing PascalCase prop names to camelCase to be more idiomatic. Consider typing these based on a map from prop names to the Component name of the sub element. This would still allow use of a js.Object containing props, in an additionalProps field.
  12. Support component methods
  13. Support for withStyles?
  14. Look at missing events onBlur, onEmpty, onFilled, onFocus, onKeyDown, onKeyUp in Input, NativeSelect, Select


Facade for material-ui in scalajs-react







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