Scroll down to the second answer
wget .
spark-shell --jars /spark-avro_2.11-4.0.0.jar
In this project, we will be migrating the existing Retail project to use the New Architecture using Spark, Airflow and Kafka.
- Find total Promotion sales generated on weekdays and weekends for each region, year & month
- Find the most popular promotion which generated highest sales in each region
- Create pySpark scripts for initial and incremental loads. The script will read sales and promotion tables based on last_update_date column from mysql and store them in AVRO format in S3 buckets. You might want to add a last_update_date in the tables
- A second pySpark script will read the AVRO files, filter out all non-promotion records from input, join the promotion and sales tables and save the data in Parquet format in S3 buckets.
- The Parquet file is aggregated by regionID, promotionID, sales_year, sales_month to generate total StoreSales for weekdays and weekends and the output is saved as a CSV file in S3 buckets.