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react-native-youtube react-native-youtube npm version Dependency Status

A <YouTube/> component for React Native.

Uses Google's official youtube-ios-player-helper and exposes much of the API into React Native.


Screenshot of the example app


  videoId="KVZ-P-ZI6W4" // The YouTube video ID
  play={true}           // control playback of video with true/false
  hidden={false}        // control visiblity of the entire view
  playsInline={true}    // control whether the video should play inline
  loop={false}          // control whether the video should loop when ended

  onReady={(e)=>{this.setState({isReady: true})}}
  onChangeState={(e)=>{this.setState({status: e.state})}}
  onChangeQuality={(e)=>{this.setState({quality: e.quality})}}
  onError={(e)=>{this.setState({error: e.error})}}
  onProgress={(e)=>{this.setState({currentTime: e.currentTime, duration: e.duration})}}

  style={{alignSelf: 'stretch', height: 300, backgroundColor: 'black', marginVertical: 10}}


  • videoId: The YouTube video ID to play, can be changed to change the video playing.
  • play: Controls playback of video with true/false. Setting it as true in the beginning itself makes the video autoplay on loading.
  • hidden: Controls the view.hidden native property. For example, use this to hide player while it loads.
  • playsInline: Controls whether the video should play inline, or in full screen.
  • fs: Controls whether the full screen button is shown. Default true.
  • rel: Hides related videos at the end of the video. Default false.
  • loop: Loops the video. Default false.
  • modestbranding: This parameter lets you use a YouTube player that does not show a YouTube logo. Default false.
  • controls: This parameter indicates whether the video player controls are displayed. Supported values are 0, 1, 2. Default 1. More information
  • showinfo: Setting the parameter's value to false causes the player to not display information like the video title and uploader before the video starts playing. Default true.
  • origin: This parameter provides an extra security measure for the IFrame API.
  • apiKey: This parameter is required on Android for the YouTube API to work.


  • onReady: This function is called when the video player is setup.
  • onChangeState: Sends the current state of the player on e.state. Common values are buffering/playing/paused and more.
  • onChangeQuality: Sends the current quality of video playback on e.quality.
  • onError: Sends any errors during video playback on e.error.
  • onProgress: Sends any time progress made on e.currentTime and e.duration.


  • seekTo(seconds): Seeks to a specified time in the video



(requires react-native >= 0.6.0)

$ rnpm install react-native-youtube

$ add YTPlayerView-iframe-player.html from Assets to your xcode project

OPTIONAL : Activated sound when phone is on vibrate mode

Open AppDelegate.m and add :

  • #import <AVFoundation/AVFoundation.h>

  • [[AVAudioSession sharedInstance] setCategory:AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayback error: nil]; in your didFinishLaunchingWithOptions method

Android : rnpm is not working yet !!

In node_module :

$ git clone

Then add in settings.gradle :

include ':RCTYouTube', ':app'
project(':RCTYouTube').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/react-native-youtube/RCTYouTube')

In build.gradle : ( The one inside android/app . NOT android/build.gradle )

dependencies {
   compile project(':RCTYouTube')     // From node_modules

In :

import com.inprogress.reactnativeyoutube.ReactNativeYouTube;


    protected List<ReactPackage> getPackages() {
      return Arrays.<ReactPackage>asList(
          new MainReactPackage(),
              new ReactNativeYouTube()


Try the included RCTYouTubeExample:

git clone
cd react-native-youtube/Example
npm install
open RCTYouTubeExample.xcodeproj

Then Cmd+R to start the React Packager, build and run the project in the simulator.



MIT License


A <YouTube/> component for React Native.







No packages published


  • Objective-C 68.4%
  • Java 16.9%
  • JavaScript 12.3%
  • HTML 2.4%