A kustomize plugin that provides a transformer for changing an image tag to the current git commit reference.
Simplest usage:
# clone repo somewhere
$ git clone https://github.com/tsloughter/kustomize-git-ref-transformer
$ mkdir -p ~/.config/kustomize/plugin
# link to subdirectory tsloughter in the clone of this repo
$ ln -s <path to dir of clone>/kustomize-git-ref-transformer/tsloughter ~/.config/kustomize/plugin/tsloughter
And add the transformer as gitRefTransformer.yaml
to your kustomize resources:
apiVersion: tsloughter/v1
kind: GitRefTransformer
name: git-ref-image-tag-transformer
argsOneLiner: myimage
And include the transformer in your kustomization.yaml
apiVersion: kustomize.config.k8s.io/v1beta1
kind: Kustomization
- gitRefTransformer.yaml
$ kustomize build --enable_alpha_plugins path/to/kustomize/files
The transformer can optionally take a new name to give the image and if the third argument is short
it will use a short reference for the tag.
apiVersion: tsloughter/v1
kind: GitRefTransformer
name: git-ref-image-tag-transformer
argsOneLiner: ImageName [NewImageName [short]]
If no new image name is given you can not set the git ref to be a short reference, so simply set the new image name to the same as the image name if you want to use a short ref with the same name.