This is the repo for an in-progress creative-commons book I've written called 'Essential JavaScript Design Patterns For Beginners'. Design patterns are reusable solutions to commonly occurring problems in software development and are a very useful tool to have at your disposal. You can read the latest version online at any time.
Version 1.5pre of the book is currently over 90 A4 pages in length and 1.0 was downloaded approximately 260,000 times (rounded) during 2011. I've temporarily removed additional formats of the book while I wrap up 1.5 and consider moving it to a more automated process of conversion, but they'll be back soon!.
I wanted to write this book as I felt that patterns were an area a lot of new and intermediate JavaScript developers may not have had a chance to explore just yet and I'm hopeful my book will encourage you to check them out as they can be quite powerful.
For any issues related to EJDP, please feel free to open up an issue through the repo. I'll be regularly checking the blog comments and making weekly updates as time allows but trackable issues through github are preferred.
Thanks for reading and I hope this comes in useful.